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Archive for June, 2016

Does Your Dog Walk You?

Wednesday, June 15, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

DOGPULLHere are some tips on how you become leader of the pack rather than your dog.

1. When walking your dog, you should be the first one out the door and the first one back in. Your dog should walk either beside or behind you.

2. Use a short dog leash because this allows you to have more control. If you attach the leash to the top of your dogs neck, you can communicate, guide and correct your dog easier. When you are correcting him, always keep his safety in mind. Never yank or pull him.

3. Make sure that you set enough time aside for the walk. You should set aside 30 minutes to a full hour. Morning walks are ideal. Keep a close eye on your dog while you are walking him.

4. After your dog has behaved and maintained the proper state of mind, reward him by letting him relieve himself and sniff around. Take along some dog treats and give him one when he obey. You now have to decide when the reward time is over. It should always be less than the time spent focused on the walk.

5. When you get home, don’t stop leading. Have your dog wait patiently while you put away his dog leash or take off your shoes.

6. Give your dog a meal after the walk and make sure that you pick up after him.

This information was according to Cesar Millan’s tips on how to become leader of the pack.

Remember, your  pets count!

Dog leashes, dog treats and thousands of pet products in The Pet Product Guru Store.

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Did Your Cat Stop Grooming?

Tuesday, June 14, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

catgroomingCats sometimes look like contortionists when they clean themselves with their tongue, teeth, paws and claws. Grooming takes lots of energy. If you notice that your cat has stopped grooming herself, this could indicate that she is sick or in pain. If she is drooling or not not eating her cat food she could have diseased teeth and gums, something stuck in her mouth or even an oral tumor. If your cat is older and has arthritis, this could make all of the twisting and turning with grooming too painful. You may even notice that she’s not playing with that box of cat toys anymore. Overweight cats can also have a hard time grooming those hard to reach spots. Sometimes they will stop grooming themselves if there’s an emotional problem. Take her to the vet to determine why you cat has stopped cleaning herself. Your veterinarian will give her a thorough examination and maybe even give her some pet medication if necessary.

Remember ,your pets count!

We love our pets, keep that well and happy, shop the thousands of products in the Pet Product Guru Store.

Can’t find the music you grew up with? Try Edgewater Gold Radio, we play a large variety of the greatest his from the 50’s through the early 80’s plus great pop standards too. Turn us on when you get to work today!  Edgewater Gold Radio! You can also listen from our website: The Edgewater Internet Radio Network!

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Excessive Licking

Tuesday, June 14, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

cat lickingCats lick themselves to keep themselves clean. They will lick to rid themselves of fleas and parasites. They will also lick to cool themselves, absorb vitamin D and to relieve stress.

There are several medical reasons for excessive licking. If it’s a neuropathy problem, a nerve is receiving a signal telling the cat to lick. If the cat licks odd things like window sills or walls, it could be a sign of that he is anemic which could also be a sign of feline leukemia. Excessive licking could also be caused by an allergic reaction. If you do suspect a medical problem, see your vet immediately.

If your cat has fleas, regular combing with a flea comb will help the problem. An occasional bath with a flea shampoo will help kill the fleas and remove dander that causes human allergies.

If is estimated that 35% of all cats suffer from food allergies which can result in excessive licking. If you suspect that the cats diet is causing the problem, try one of the commercially prepared non allergy cat foods.

If your cat is licking you, that’s a sign that he likes you. They could also start urgently licking. This is done because of embarrassment such as falling off a window sill or chair.

Remember, your pets count!

All of your pet products are available in one place. The Pet Product Guru Store!

Take your oldies to work by downloading the Edgewater Gold Radio App, listen to our new player or listen directly from our website: The Edgewater Internet Radio Network. Now broadcasting from Rehoboth Beach, Delaware featuring lots of things to do this summer at the Delaware beaches!

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petgroomerTime to get your pet into his dog carrier and head to the groomer. Will this be a good or bad experience for him?

There are things to consider before trusting your pet to a new dog groomer. Going to the groomer can be a stressful time for your dog. It’s important that you have a good, gentle, reliable groomer that your dog will trust. You will not have problems taking him if he has a pleasant experience while at the groomer. How do you choose a groomer? I would first ask around. Ask those who have a dog similar to yours. Friends and acquaintances will give you helpful, honest opinions. If you don’t get anywhere, I would then ask my vet.

Next, check the groomers’ credentials. Some states require a groomer to have special training and certification. Every area requires a business license. You may also want to check with the Better Business Bureau to see if any complaints were filed against the groomer.

Make sure that the groomer has experience with your type of dog. Safety is extremely important. Find out if the groomer uses any restraining devices, what are the chemicals that are used and what kind of method is used for drying your dog. I’ve heard of cases where the dog was burned in the dryer because it was left unattended or the temperature was set too high.

Check out the amount of noise at the groomers. Your dog may stress out if all he hears is constant barking. Try to find a groomer where the environment is peaceful and quiet.

Finally, make sure that you have the groomers schedule. You will need an appointment for most groomers. Keep lots of dog treats on hand during and after his grooming session.

Remember, your pets count!

Shop all of our great products in The Pet Product Guru Store.

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Boating Safety With Your Dog

Monday, June 13, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

dogboatIf you own a boat and usually take your best friend along with you, here are some things that things that you should do to keep him safe.

  1. The first thing that you should do is develop a plan in case your dog goes over board.Of course if this happens,  cut the engine immediately.
  2. It’s important that you have a dog life  jacket and put it on your dog before you get on the water. You should get your dog used to wearing his life jacket before taking him on the water.
  3. Make sure that you have a first aid kit on the boat. Take along antibiotic ointment for minor scrapes, and of course make sure you have a good supply of any pet medications your dog may be on.
  4. If you just purchased your boat, let your dog get used to it before taking him on the water.
  5. Keep  your dogs first boat outing short to get him used to the movement on the water. Take along some dog treats and make sure he has fresh water in his dog water bowl at all times.

A little planning goes a long way! Enjoy boating this summer with your best friend!

Remember, your pets count!

Shop for all of your pets needs on The Pet Product Guru Store.

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Protecting Your Dog At Night

Sunday, June 12, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

reflective vestYou’re relaxing and enjoying the evening watching your favorite TV show. Your dog is at the door waiting for his dog leash or dog harness anxious to go out for his nightly walk. You are a bit drowsy but you get up put on his leash and take him out into the night. Suddenly he gets loose and darts down the dark street. Cars will not be able to see him as he runs into the road. This scenario can actually happen. It’s important that we protect ourselves as well as our best friends in the dark. I would recommend wearing something reflective and also purchasing a reflective dog vest or harness. This way both of you will be seen by oncoming traffic.

Remember, your pets count!

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How Do We Know When It’s Time?

Sunday, June 12, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

SADDOGOwning a pet is a very rewarding, loving experience. They become part of our families and provide unconditional love for many years. Unfortunately, their life expectancy is much less than that of a human. There always comes a time when our pet becomes old and ill. We do our best to keep our pets around as long as possible but there comes a time when the pet’s quality of life declines and we have to make one of the most difficult decisions in our lives—-when to put our beloved pet to sleep. The suffering of the pet should be our primary concern. How do we know when it’s time? Is he still eating is dog food or cat food? Does he still enjoy long walk and playing with his dog or cat toys? The answer is our pets tell us. We need to know what to look for. Web MD has put together some helpful guidelines to follow.


What to Look For

When you’re home with your pet and the vet isn’t there, how can you tell whether he’s worse this week than last?

Andrew D. Nguyen, DVM, veterinarian at Columbia Pike Animal Hospital in Annandale, VA, says to think about all of this while your pet’s still healthy.

He suggests making a list of your pet’s five favorite things. Running to the door to greet you when you get home? Fetching? Treats? Catnip? Toys?

Next, tune in to how your pet interacts with his environment. Know that one day he won’t be able to enjoy his favorite things.

Plan Ahead

The key, Nguyen says, is to create guidelines ahead of time. That way, when your pet’s health declines and you’re upset, you can check the plan you made when you were more clearheaded.

Is it time to say goodbye when he no longer enjoys two of his five favorite things? Or three of the five? Or all five? It’s your decision.

“It’s whatever feels right to you and will be most compassionate for your pet,” Nguyen says.

There’s a wrinkle, though. Often, an aging or ill pet doesn’t suddenly lose his ability to enjoy walks or treats. Instead, the changes come little by little. Then it’s time to think about his quality of life. Does he enjoy treats or walks 30% of the time? 50% of the time? Or not at all?

Put Yourself in His Paws

Think about how your pet feels, Nguyen said. Their organ systems are a lot like ours. So it’s likely that kidney failure in a dog feels about the same as it would for a person. Ask your vet what your pet is feeling.

“Imagine yourself super thirsty — so thirsty that you’re constantly nauseated,” Nguyen tells pet owners. “People can relate to that. That often helps them make their decision.”

Sometimes it’s clear that it’s time to let your friend go. You just know. He doesn’t eat. Or he can’t control when or where he poops and pees. Maybe all he can do is lie there. And due to his illness or age, you know that none of this will get any better. It’s a bleak outlook, but it makes the decision easier.

Gray Areas

But what if signals are mixed?
A pet that has severe arthritis can seem happy and hearty, even if his joints have given out and he can no longer walk.

“Those are the most devastating decisions to make — when the pet is still bright and alert, and their organs are fine,” Nguyen says. “To help, I let patients know that I view the musculoskeletal system as another organ system that is a requirement for life. When your legs go out, and you can’t move, that’s not a good quality of life.”

Remember, your pets count!

Buy your pet supplies from The Pet Product Guru Store. Thousands of products, great prices and easy, securing shopping.

Going to the beach today? Take along your oldies. We play the greatest variety of oldies from the 50’s through the early 80’s plus great popular standards. Edgewater Gold Radio.

Download the free Edgewater Gold Radio app for your play store or listen on our website, The Edgewater Internet Radio Network!

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The Proper Way To Use A Dog Crate

Saturday, June 11, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

DOGFANCYCRATEA pet carrier or crate is a portable kennel just large enough to contain the dog that it is intended for. It is made of either plastic or metal. When we use the term “crating”,” we mean the practice of using the kennel for training purposes.

You must understand what the crate means to your dog. Dogs are normally considered den creatures. So the dog crate is considered it’s den. If it is properly introduced, it becomes a safe haven for your dog. It should never be used as a means of punishment. The crate should be kept around other people not stuck in a basement or small room where there are no human beings. Have your dog sleep in the crate during the night and feed you dog in the crate. Dogs like to be around people so make sure he is not kept in his crate during the day if possible. The crate must be large enough for your dog to stand and turn around it. A puppy should never spend more than 3 or 4 hours a day in his crate. An adult dog should not spend more than 8 hours in the crate. Make sure that the crate is always kept clean and not in a damp, cold area. If you use the crate correctly, it will always be a safe haven for your dog.

Remember, your pets count!

Easy, online shopping at your fingertips, shop The Pet Product Guru Store.Com

Weekend oldies play all the time from Rehoboth Beach, Delaware on Edgewater Gold Radio.

Download our free app – Edgewater Gold Radio  from your app store today.

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DOGCRATSSchool is ending and summer is here.Many of you will take to the roads with your pets. If you are new to this, there are certain things that you should know about traveling with your dogs in their dog carriers or dog crates. Pet crates used for travel will be much different then those that you keep in one place in your home. They need to be lightweight with a handle if possible. It’s best to buy a crate that can be folded down for easy storage. Crates for pet travel are often better than a pet carrier. They are usually more roomy giving your pet more space to move around. Another benefit for your dog is that they will be able to see more on the trip. Whatever type of crate that you decide to use, your pet will not only be nervous because of the trip but also will be irritated because of being cooped up so long. Allowing your pets out for short periods during the trip is an excellent way to keep them happy. It also helps with the barking which can be irritating to other travelers. Have a wonderful summer and be safe on your trip with your pet!

Remember, your pets count!

Pet carriers and thousands of other pet products in The Pet Product Guru Store.

At work? Ready for the weekend? If your looking for great music that never gets old, check out Edgewater Gold Radio!

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A Cat’s Sensitive Digestive System

Friday, June 10, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

CAT EATINGAny quick changes to a cats diet can affect their digestive system. I feed my younger cat Millie, a mixture of two kinds of dry food. Keep in mind that unlike Molly, Mille is a very fussy eater and won’t usually eat wet cat food. Millie loves Fancy Feast dry cat food. (Not the best choice but that’s what she likes) . I ran out of Fancy Feast about three days ago and figured that the other brand (Purina) dry cat food would hold her over until I could get to the store to get her Fancy Feast. I did not realize that Millie was not eating her dry food at all during this time. I suspect that she ate Molly’s wet food when she got hungry.

Yesterday, she began meowing more than usual in the morning. I realized that she was hungry but I noticed that she had diarrhea. This was going on for a good part of the day. She was not vomiting and didn’t seem sick but she seemed uncomfortable. I quickly went to the store and bought her Fancy Feast cat food. I checked with my vet and she believes that her digestive system reacted to the wet food because she was not used to it.

So far today, she seems ok but I am watching her closely. Never change your cat’s diet suddenly. Gradually add the new food and mix it with her regular food. Give her digestive system a chance to get used to the new cat food.

Remember, your pets count!

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