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May 2012

Archive for May, 2012

Buckling up also goes for pets

Thursday, May 31, 2012
posted by Jim Murphy

If you drive without a seat beat and get stopped you pay a $46 fine. If you drive with an unrestrained pet, and get stopped don’t expect to get off the hook too easy. Penalties range from $250 to $1,000 and as much as six months in jail!  Some people like to let their dogs hang their head out of the car window for fresh air but dogs and cats become projectiles in a crash! I do agree that you should keep your dog or cat in their carrier while driving. You can also buy a harness that attaches directly to the seat belt. This is a good idea and I do agree that our pets should be protected.

Now, I will always tell you my opinion. The fine amount and jail time is a bit much and another way for towns to make more money. Sorry that’s my opinion. Jail time??? come on – that’s ridiculous but it’s the law here in good ole new Jersey!

Litter Box Lapses

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
posted by Jim Murphy

If your cat stops using the litter box,  Don’t ever punish him. Try to find out why. My younger cat stopped using the litter box and I found out that she was intimidated because every time she would go in to use it, my older cat, Mollie would guard the bathroom door and not let her in. I solved the problem by getting another litter box and put it in the second bathroom.  A good rule of thumb if you have multiple cats is to have a box for each cat plus one extra box.  Like humans, most cats want privacy.  If your cat has stopped using the litter box, try putting a hood on it.  Place the box where it’s accessible but make sure that it’s away from where your cat eats and sleeps.  You can also try changing the type of litter. Some cats dislike the scented kinds. Make sure the box  is roomy with low sides for easy entry and exit. Change the litter box and wash the box often.  If your cat still isn’t using the litter box, consult your veterinarian.

Remember, your pets count!

Learning to like litter

Tuesday, May 29, 2012
posted by Jim Murphy

Are you  in the process of turning your outside cat into an indoor cat? If you are, one of the first things that you’ll have to do is get him used to kitty litter. Teaching him to use the litter box is easier than you than think. Cats are naturally inclined to go in sand or dirt.  The fist thing that you should do is confine your cat to a room with his letter box. Make sure that the room has no other absorbent surfaces. Play with him often. When he starts to use the litter box regularly, give him more and more time outside of the room.  Watch him closely. Eventually put another litter box in the place where you want the box to stay.  The location of the box is very important. Make sure that the box is in a quiet place that is easy to access and away from  the cats food and water.  Make sure that you wait for him to use the new litter box before you remove the first.

Remember, your pets count!

Chattering cats

Sunday, May 27, 2012
posted by Jim Murphy

Sometimes our cats do some of the strangest things and for good reason. There is one cat behavior that even has the veterinarians puzzled. It’s called chattering.  This sounds like chirping and using occurs when an indoor cat is looking at birds from the window. They see birds that they can’t possibly reach.  Many animal behaviorists suspect that a chattering cat is anticipating a killing bite so its jaw starts moving by reflex. This is similar to a dog who drools when he sees food. Another theory is that cats take out their frustration when they can’t reach their prey. No one know for sure so chattering may always one mystery of feline ownership.

Remember, your pets count!

Cats chasing birds

Saturday, May 26, 2012
posted by Jim Murphy

If your cat chases songbirds, he probably learned very early in life that birds are appropriate prey. This comes from their mothers. They teach their kittens to stalk and kill prey. Unfortunately, this behavior is probably fixed in your cat for life. You can try putting bells on his collar to scare the birds away but cats tend to be very slow when they stalk so it’s unlikely the bells will make any sound at all.  Don’t try to solve the problem by cutting your cats whiskers. Some people think that this will prevent their cat from chasing birds because it makes them misjudge where to bite their prey. Cutting a cat’s whiskers is not good for his well fare. So what’s the safest solution? Keep your cat indoors.

Remember, your pets count!

Cats and leashes

Thursday, May 24, 2012
posted by Jim Murphy

Life is safer when a cat lives indoors but you may want to take him on a walk sometimes. You can train your cat to walk on a leash. Use a harness instead of a collar and get a leash that’s four to six feet long. Begin by getting your cat used to the harness. If he resists, leave it around where he can smell it for a few days. When you feel that he’s ready, let him drag the leash around but keep an eye on him. Now, hold the leash and follow him for short indoor walks. Eventually, try taking him outside. Always praise him and give him a treat when he walks where you want him to. Never pull.  If your cat won’t go where you want, pick him up a carry him to the spot.

Remember, your pets count!

Fabric Eating cats

Wednesday, May 23, 2012
posted by Jim Murphy

One of the strangest cat behavior problems is when they chew on wool, plastic or other materials. Pica is the term used to describe a cats abnormal graving to eat non food items. Siamese and other oriental breeds are the most frequent offenders but almost any mixed breed cat can have this problem. Cats with Pica will bite telephone cords, panty hose or plastic bags.  Veterinarians aren’t sure why cats do it but pica seems to be an obsessive compulsive problem. Some cats are given and respond to drugs that are used to treat obsessive compulsive disorder in humans. Pica may also be a craving for ruffage. Planting a cat garden can be another worthwhile approach.

Remember, your pets count!

Mange in dogs

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
posted by Jim Murphy

A scruffy dog is sometimes called a mangy mutt.  Mange is a particular skin condition that is caused by the infestation of parasidic mites Mange causes hair loss and itchiness in your pet. There’s one type of mange called Demodex . If this spreads over most of the dog’s body, it could be very serious and could require long term therapy. The most common type of mange is scabies. This is very infectious among dogs and can even be transmitted to humans.  A dog that has scabies is restless and will continually scratch, bite and dig at infected areas. If you notice these symptoms or small red infected areas, call your vet. Your infected dog needs medicine.

Remember, your pets count!

Kitten vaccines

Sunday, May 20, 2012
posted by Jim Murphy

Cats may or may not have nine lives. When it comes to getting your kitten vaccinated, why take chances? You should take your new kitten to the vet to start a series of vaccinations by the time she is eight weeks of age. All kittens should receive vaccines for rabies, upper respiratory infection and feline distemper. A vaccine against the feline leukemia virus is also a good idea if your cat will be spending time outside. Whether or not your kitten needs shots for other diseases is up to your veterinarian. He or she will consider the risk of infection to your cat, where she lives and the other cats she’s exposed to as well as the effectiveness of each vaccine.

Remember, your pets count!

My cat prefers Sinatra

Saturday, May 19, 2012
posted by Jim Murphy

Do cats like to listen to music? I believe that they do. I run five internet radio station that specialize in a different genres of music.  These genres include oldies, disco, country, lighter hits and big bands/swing and pop vocals. I recently launched my latest station, “Starlite 365,” which plays standards like Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald etc. You get the picture. I noticed that when I’m playing this music,my older cat Mollie sits in a chair next to the speakers and does not move. She actually looks like she’s enjoying to music! Right now, I’m listening to country and she’s no where to be found. Many animal shelters play classical music to help calm the dogs.  I heard another story of a guy who  plays Gregorian chants and his cat actually walks up to the speakers and stays there until they are over.

Cats do like certain kinds of music. Now I leave Starlite 365 on for Mollie when I leave the house because she needs her daily dose of Sinatra!

Here’s a link to all of my stations. Maybe your cat will enjoy one of them!

The Edgewater Radio Internet Radio Network