Your Pets Count

pet information that caters to your special friend

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March 2013

Archive for March, 2013

Removing Pet Odors

Sunday, March 31, 2013
posted by Jim Murphy

Pet Odors! This alone can keep odor conscience individuals from adopting a pet. Pet Odors can be unpleasant but pet odor removal need not be an obstacle for you when it comes to adopting a pet. One very common mistake and one which I’ve made many times is that when your pet has an “accident” on your rug, you run for the paper towels and start pressing and pressing them into the rug to get rid of any trace of the mess. By pressing, you allow the liquid to seep beneath the carpet onto the floor which can lead to mold and maybe even structural problems.

Instead, clean up any solid waste and soak up the liquid with the paper towels.  Keep soaking up the liquid and discarding the paper towels until the area is damp rather than wet. Then apply a cleaner designed for pet stains to the soiled area.


Remember your pets count and Happy Easter!


Listen to disco, oldies, country, soft rock, popular standards, seventies on THE EDGEWATER INTERNET RADIO NETWORK.

Watch the Chocolate

Saturday, March 30, 2013
posted by Jim Murphy

Chocolate eggs, Easter bunnies etc are usually part of the Easter holiday but remember, that chocolate is very toxic to dogs and cats. Chocolate is made from the fruit (beans)  of the Cacao tree. Theobromine, a component of chocolate, is a toxic compound in chocolate. Caffeine is also present in chocolate and is also a toxic component, but in much smaller amounts than Theobromine. Dogs are more commonly affected because  their sweet tooth and the ability to find and seek chocolate lying around. Be very careful to keep chocolate away from your dog or cat. Even though cats may not seek out chocolate, they may get into it if it’s left out. Be on the safe side and put all chocolate in a cabinet or refrigerator. Have a great holiday!

Remember, your pets count!



How Cats Leave Hints

Friday, March 29, 2013
posted by Jim Murphy

Your cat will leave you hints to let you know how they feel. If you’re lazy about cleaning the litter box, your cat may leave you a smelly present on your favorite chair or your pillow. Cats are very clean animals and like their environment to be clean also. This is why the are always cleaning themselves. Do you ever notice that sometimes your cat cleans himself after you’ve petted him or picked him up?  That’s because they’re angry that you touched them and are cleaning off your scent. What an insult! Another insult is when a cat turns his back on you and flicks his tail. When he does this, he is really ticked off. What did you do to make him so mad? Another form of communications is verbal. When your cat is meowing, he is calling attention to something like, he’s hungry, wants t0 play or wants you to change the litter box. My cats meow when they want me to get up or want me to turn on the water so they could drink from the faucet. Pay attention to your cats sounds and actions, he is trying to tell you something.

Remember, your pets count!

Do you like disco? We’ll keep you moving on DANCE FEVER 54 – Disco all the time on THE EDGEWATER INTERNET RADIO NETWORK.

Becoming a Veterinarian

Wednesday, March 27, 2013
posted by Jim Murphy

If you’re thinking of becoming a Veterinarian, be prepared for years of schooling. Before making this decision, ask yourself if you do well in the natural world and do well in Biology class. If so, study hard and then consider interning for a local veterinarian.  Did you know that there are fewer than 30 veterinary schools in the U.S?  This means that admission is competitive. After graduation, there are a lot of possible career paths for veterinarians. Anywhere that you find animals, you’ll find vets, from zoos to movie sets so your options are quite open. In addition to working in a clinic or private practice, a veterinarian can choose to work in the bio technology industry, in animal shelters or in public health agencies.

Remember, your pets count!

Do you love country music? We play the best variety of country anywhere. Check out CONSTANT COUNTRY KRS on THE EDGEWATER INTERNET RADIO NETWORK!

Where to Place Your Cats Litter Box

Tuesday, March 26, 2013
posted by Jim Murphy

The location of your cats litter box is most important. Most cat owners tend to place their cats litter box in an out of the way place to minimize odor and prevent cat litter from being tracked through the house, but if that out of the way place is in the basement on a cold floor, there’s a good chance that your cat won’t use it.

  • Keep your litter box in a place that gives your cat his privacy yet is easily accessible.
  • Avoid placing the litter box next to noisy appliances or next to a heater.  The noise will scare your cat and the heat will make the box smell even worse. It these cases, your cat may avoid it altogether.
  • Put the box far away from his food and water. Cat’s don’t like the smell of the litter too close to their food. Would you?
  • Place at least one litter box on each level of your house.  This way you cat has options depending on what floor he’s on.  If you have more than one cat, provide several litter boxes so one cat doesn’t ambush the other the way my older cat Mollie did to my younger cat Mille!
  • If you keep your litter box in the bathroom, be sure that the door stays open so that your cat can’t get trapped inside or get locked out.

Remember, your pets count!

If you like SOFT ROCK, you’ll love MOVIN EASY NET RADIO – SOFT ROCK FROM THE 60’s 70’s and 80’s. You’ll find it on THE EDGEWATER INTERNET RADIO NETWORK!

Report Animal Cruelty

Sunday, March 24, 2013
posted by Jim Murphy

Animals cannot speak for themselves so it’s up to us to speak for them and report any animal abuse that you see or suspect. If you want to report animal cruelty, you must familiarize yourself with local state laws. Recognize the signs of abuse and be willing to report it. Did you know that animal cruelty is illegal in every state and is a felony in 46 states? It should be a felony in all 50 states. When an incident of animal cruelty is reported, it’s the agency’s responsibility to respond.  As soon as you see or suspect animal cruelty, make the call. Most towns have a a local animal control department, animal shelter or humane society. Do an online search to identify the agency in your area, and program the number into your cell phone so you are prepared.

Document all of the details. Make sure that you have all of the facts correct. Include the date, time, location, what happened and the people that were involved. If you see the abuse, take a picture or video with your cellphone. This will really help prove your case.

Be willing to testify. Animals cannot speak for themselves so it’s up to you . The case will be much stronger if you are there to report the abuse in court.

Always be aware of dogs that are chained up all day in  the hot sun or if you hear the owners screaming or hitting them. Take note of the amount of pets that the neighbors have and if the pets look healthy. An emancipated dog or cat is a telltale sign of animal abuse and should be reported immediately.

Listen to the sounds of a dog or cat in an abandoned home. My younger cat Millie was found by rescuers in a home that was abandoned after Hurricane Katrina. Take the steps and do what’s right. You won’t regret it!

Remember, your pets count!

Do you like the standards but can’t find them anywhere on the radio anymore. Try STARLITE 365 for Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Dean Martin, Tony Bennett etc. There are found on THE EDGEWATER INTERNET RADIO NETWORK.

Why Do cats hiss?

Saturday, March 23, 2013
posted by Jim Murphy

As a cat owner, you’ve probably heard your cat hiss or growl at you. Cats hiss or growl when they are feeling threatened by something. Sometimes this behavior can be due to a number of things that may not be directed at you.  Unlike dogs, cats aren’t known as social animals but they do require love too. One reason why a cat may hiss or growl is that it’s upset with its owner. The owner may have been away for awhile on vacation and the cat may hiss or growl at him when he returns home. Your cats hissing is a way that she shows her displeasure.  Give your cat a little time and things will return to normal.

Sometimes a cat will growl or hiss when they have lost another feline friend. This is very normal and a sign of greiving.

Remember, your pets count!


If you like the 70’s, check out our fastest growing internet radio station – LINDBERGH 70’s RADIO. You’ll find it on THE EDGEWATER INTERNET RADIO NETWORK!



Don’t Pet Me Anymore!

Friday, March 22, 2013
posted by Jim Murphy

You’re sitting comfortable on the couch with your cat on your lap. You hear his gentle purrs as you pet him. All is well right? Maybe for now, but in an instant, your cat jumps up and tries to bite you. What he is telling you is that he’s had enough and doesn’t want to be pet anymore. Before this happens, your cats tail will begin to twitch.  His ears will turn back or flick back and forth. That’s your cue to stop petting him.  Because cats are predators, attacking is the release cats have when stimulation is overwhelming. This occurs even if the stimulation is pleasurable.  The trick is to recognize the signal and stop immediately. With practice, you’ll be able to tell just when your cat has had enough!

Remember, your pets count!


A dogs vision

Wednesday, March 20, 2013
posted by Jim Murphy

Most dogs have a total vision field of 250 degrees.  Humans have about 120 degrees of binocular vision, but human eyes  are set directly on the front of the face , a dogs eyes are set more to the side.  A human’s total visual field is only 190 degrees, giving dogs the advantage of 60 degrees more peripheral vision. Some dogs have eyes that are deep set such as the Chow Chow. As a result, their peripheral vision is reduced.  This should be kept in mind when approaching these breeds from the rear.

Dogs were once thought to be color blind but scientists now agree that they have  enough color preceptor cones in their eyes that they can see certain colors.

Dogs have binocular vision. Binocular vision is the area within a dog’s total vision field that overlaps, providing it with the depth of perception needed to pursue prey.The exact degree of binocular vision is different among dogs. It all depends on the shape of the dogs head and the placement of the eyes.

Remember, your pets count!


Listen to internet radio at work. Check out out internet radio network.


Why do dogs bury or hide their bones?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013
posted by Jim Murphy

Most rituals that we humans find strange, comes very natural to dogs. You may give your dog a bone and later find it hidden under a couch cushion, under a blanket or even buried in the yard. Why do they do this? We provide our canine friends food shelter and protection but in the wild, dogs had to fend for themselves. They had to hunt for food and their survival instincts taught them that they had to hide the prey that they hunted so that they could enjoy another meal before their next hunt.  Dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years and they receive regular meals from their owners but there is still a strong compulsion to hide or bury their food.

Remember, your pets count!

Listen to our six radio stations – they’re perfect at work on our internet radio network!