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Archive for August, 2009

exotic-catMost cats are house cats but did you know that feline breeding is a big business producing elegant hybrids with exotic eyes, skin or even ears?   You can find one breed with leopard spots and marble colored hair!  Some breeds have no hair at all which are excellent for allergy sufferers. These breeds can be very expensive costing several hundred dollars.  If the cat is really unusual, it can cost several thousand dollars. There are cat nappers out there who only care about making a buck.  To be sure that your cat is not “catnapped,”  you can get your cats nose printed. Like a fingerprint, every cats nose has a different pattern. After his nose has been printed, you’ll probably even spend more on your new “treasure” and buy him a fancy carrier or cat bed. So if you go for the exotic breeds or a plain old ordinary house cat, they will bring you lots of enjoyment, unconditional love and a whole lot of companionship.

Woodland Parasites

Friday, August 21, 2009
posted by PetsRule

dog-diggingTicks present a unique problem for people who make their home in a wooded area. The issue is further compounded for pet owners. By their very nature, dogs are curious animals that seek to explore the territory around their home. In some cases this can mean picking up a few unwanted passengers. The best way to circumvent this problem is to invest in plenty of flea and tick spray.

In the event that you forget to take precautionary measures, it may become necessary to remove a wood tick from your dog’s skin. Although the process is never pleasant, it’s relatively straightforward. Begin my donning a pair of rubber gloves and taking out a pair of tweezers. Wrap the tweezers around the tick’s head and pull firmly in a straight-out motion. Do not make a twisting motion, or the tick’s head may remain lodged in the skin.

cat-and-computerUntil recently, most cats were banned from college dorm rooms. My neice got a kitten over the summer and when it was time to leave for college, she put her cat in his cat carrier and hit the road. What a great thing to be able to have a pet on campus! Administrators at college have begun to realize that keeping a cat at college can help students under stress relax.  That’s why some colleges now allow cats into the dorms. There’s one main rule that must be followed. The cat must stay in the students room and not be allowed to roam in “cat free”  zones. This is to protect students that are have pet allergies.   The owners are responsible for any damaged caused by the cat.  It’s worth it. When kids are stressed and a cat helps calm their nerves, things don’t seem so bad anymore.  If your headed to college, always check with your schools administration to see if cats are allowed on campus before going to the animal shelter to adopt one.. Have a great semester!!

cats-in-bedI have two cats. One cat does not mind traveling in her cat carrier at all. My younger cat on the other hand, always gets sick while in her carrier. I frequently travel about 215 miles to Delaware and I always take both of my cats. My younger cat will do fine if she is sitting in the front drivers seat outside of her carrier. I chanced this a few times but was very uncomfortable throughout the trip. I feared that if I had to stop short, she would go flying. I heard a story which made me revise my current method of having her lie on the front seat next to me. A friend of mine, always let her cat lie in the back seat of her car while traveling. The cat was never in her cat carrier. One day, a truck cut her off, the car swerved, hit a telephone pole and the right side of the car was smashed and the windows broken. Glass was everywhere! My friend was not hurt but her cat was gone! No where to be found!  It turns out that the cat got so frightened, that it jumped out of the window when the car hit the telephone pole. The story does have a happy ending. This cat had a micro chip inside her. Someone rescued her, took her to the nearest animal shelter. When she was “scanned” the owners name, address and phone number was retrieved. The cat was alright except for a few scratches. My friend was very lucky. I hope that everyone reading this takes away two important facts. First, always keep your cat in his cat carrier. Second, when you adopt a kitten, have your vet inject a micro chip in him. It is painless and the chip contains all of the important owner contact information!

135yellow-01Before you know it, the weather will be getting cooler and you’ll start noticing your little dog start to shiver while on his walk. Time to think of buying him a dog coat. We do this to attempt to keep our little furry friend warm or to make a dog fashion statement but does your dog really like wearing that coat? Dog coats came about from people living in cold climates. Some breeds need extra layers in the cold weather. They are also a good conversation piece especially if there is someone in the park that you really want to meet and walks their dog the same time you walk yours.  Smaller dogs generally wear dog coats but some larger dogs like Greyhounds that have very short hair may need to be kept warm so a coat may be appropriate. Dog coats come in all sizes and styles. There are hooded coats, denim coats, raincoats,and the list goes on. Dogs will usually tolerate their coats but some will do anything to pull them off like my dog used to do!

images3Veterinarians cannot do much to prevent cancer in cats but they can often treat it.  If your cat is older and doesn’t seem to be well, your veterinarian will probably test for cancer among other diseases.  How common is cancer in cats? Dr. Janice Baxter, Veterinarian at the Alexandria Animal Hospital in Virginia says that cancer is not uncommon in older cats.  This is because the general cat populations are living longer and longer. She says that a diagnosis of cancer is no longer necessarily a death sentence.  Surgery, Chemotherapy and pet medication can help many cats, but the financial costs are high. If your cat is older, is losing weight, not eating or is listless, have him checked out by your vet right away. Delaying treatment could be life threatening!

pet-sitter-dogsBack in the days when I had a dog, I would be gone for many hours during the day. I would buy all types of toys, there were so many rawhide bones around the house that I could have filled an entire room with them! This did not keep my dog content while I was gone. It was quite apparent that he was lonely and need so much attention when  I would arrive home. Looking back now at this situation really saddens me. Are you in the same type of situation now? Maybe you should consider hiring a Pet Sitter.  If you decide to go this route, here are some things that you should remember.

1. The Pet Sitter should conduct himself/herself in a professional manner and give you his undivided attention while being interviewed.

2. Your Pet Sitter should have insurance and be bonded if they are with a pet sitting company.

3. The Pet Sitter should conduct business with honesty and integrity. They should also observe all federal, state and local laws pertaining to operating the business of animal care.

4. The Pet Sitter should have a least three references which you should check out thoroughly.

These following issues regarding your pet must also be considered when hiring a Pet Sitter.

1. Your pet needs to be comfortable with the pet sitter. You must allow time for your dog to get used to the Pet Sitter by allowing the sitter to come by several days while you’re at home  before being left alone with your pet.

2. The Pet Sitter must be interested in learning as much as possible about your pet. This includes eating habits, health issues, temperament, exercise etc.

3. Make sure you give the Pet Sitter a list of emergency phone numbers in case your pet becomes ill or has an accident. This list should include your vets number, as well as the numbers of other vets in case your vet is not available.

4. The Pet Sitter must be knowledgeable of pet first aid and other concerns such as pet food re-calls.

5. You must agree that your Pet Sitter can or cannot have others visitors while they are pet sitting your dog.

6. Determine the Pet Sitter’s experience by asking some pointed questions during the interview.

7. You must be completely confident before offering the job. Treat this like hiring a nanny for your child.

Once you have a pet sitter, you will notice the change in your dogs attitute when you arrive home. You will no longer feel that he is being neglected and you will feel confident that his needs are being cared for.

no-pets-allowed-signsAlmost any dog can live in an apartment. Many condo apartment complexes do not allow dogs which is a major issue that I have with condos. There are many people out there that just don’t realize that dogs and pets are a part of our life and our families.  Too bad for them – there’s something major missing in their lives. Most condo board members and management companies are just too lazy to create areas for pets and rules to abide by.  This has always been a major issue with me and condos. Anyway, back to the apartments that do allow dogs. You must remember that your dog still needs exercise even though  there are no areas designated for pets in that condo complex!  (There I go again- this really bugs me!)  Dogs do not have to be let loose in a back yard to run around. This kind of exercise is “excited” exercise and this should not be the only exercise that your dog receives. Take him on frequent long walks and buy a dog exercise pen to keep indoors if he is not too big. Put some toys in the pen that will keep your dog occupied. He will do fine in an apartment – that’s if your condo allows dogs.

american-hairless-terrier-2You had a dog in the past and became so allergic that you spent more money on medication for your allergies then on pet medication for your dog. You now would like to adopt a dog again. Why not consider a hypo-allergenic dog. The American Hairless Terrier is excellent for allergy sufferers.  They have no body hair and no dander. American Hairless Terriers are playful, loving and very intelligent dogs. They also make excellent companions. If you have children, this is the dog for you. They are especially good with children. Unlike other dogs, if the American Hairless Terrier is frightened or gets overheated, he may break out in a sweat. They are not good swimmers so be aware of this if you are near water. They are somewhat territorial and need a human who know how to be his leader. These dogs will do well in an apartment but do need a fair amount of exercise.  A small yard would be ideal because they are active and like to play. So the next time you are shopping for a new family member, consider the American Hairless Terrier especially if you are an allergy sufferer.

greyhoundsYou want a dog but the thought of house breaking, training and all of those pet stain and pet odor removal products turn you off. Why not consider adopting a Greyhound? When Greyhounds that race are about three years old, most of them are ready to retire and they all need homes. Greyhounds are very low maintenance dogs. They have very short coats and they shed very little. They do not have to be bathed often as they have no inherent body odor. They also do not have hip problems that many other dogs develop.  They live to be eight to twelve years in general. They are also very calm animals and make very good companions.  About 700 greyhounds are available for adoption each year.  If you’re interested in adopting one, you can call 1-800-348-2517. This may be your solution!