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May 2020

Archive for May 26th, 2020

In previous blogs we talked about feline kidney disease and how this is common in older cats and is usually fatal. I received this grim new twice with my cat Molly and now with Atlantis. The good news and yes there is some good news is that with proper care we can sustain our cats life and life quality for years. We talked about Astro’s Oil which is a high potency omega oil that yielded great results. Controlling kidney disease is tricky. Cats need protein yet too much can advance the disease. Phosphorus levels must be kept low and most cat foods contain too much phosphorus and protein.Vets recommend a renal diet but my feelings are that most cats don’t like it and it’s lower in protein which is something a cat needs.

The makers of Astros Oil also have created two additional products.

Astro’s Oil™ Nitrogen-Creatinine Scrub

This is a supplement that enhances the pet’s gut microbiome flora. As the bacteria proliferate they take up nitrogen and creatinine and are then excreted in the stool. It also reduces serum phosphorous level.

Astro’s Oil™ Renal Care Protein

Astro’s Oil™ Renal Care Protein is a supplement designed to help pets with kidney disease gain and maintain lean muscle mass. It also helps stave off metabolic acidosis.

I am giving these two products to Atlantis. It’s only been a couple of weeks but already I’ve noticed some weight gain which is very encouraging.

I believe that a combination of these three Astro’s Oil products will stabilize Atlantis and possible slow the progress of his disease. More to come on the progress of my little friend Atlantis.

Remember, your pets count!



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