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May 2020

Archive for May 13th, 2020

Astro’s Oil for Atlantis

Wednesday, May 13, 2020
posted by Jim Murphy

We’re following the journey of our cat Atlantis and is diagnosed illness, hyperactive thyroid and kidney disease. He’s taking some prescription medication  but I felt the need to get him on a high potency Omega 3 oil. I chose the same product, Astro’s Oil that I used for my cat Molly, who passed away at 19.

Atlantis was very ill in January, he had no appetite, was very listless and retreated to a corner in my home office. I started him on Astro’s Oil in February and it didn’t take long to see the results. I am convinced that his improvement was due to Astro’s oil more than the prescription medication for his thyroid condition. He was not given a prescription for kidney disease since it is  in the early stages and his latest blood test showed a normal reading. As he made progress, my stress level began to drop. I do get very stressed out when it comes to my pets health.

Within five days of administering Astro’s oil, I noticed a major change. Atlantis was no longer in the corner in my home office but sitting with us in our family room and was back to asking for  pets and hugs in a very vocal way! His vocal nature obviously returned and we were thrilled. Given all of these positive signs, his appetite also improved. In fact he was eating so much that I had to increase my trips to the pet store to buy more food. These positive and encouraging changes were also noticed in my cat Molly who had advanced kidney disease. Molly gave us six more years of love and I believe that this blessing was attributed to Astro’s Oil.

We are so pleased with Atlantis’s progress that we’ve been spoiling him with snacks and now we’ve created a little manipulator. When I give him his morning feeding, he starts meowing and follows me around asking for snacks! I have learned to ignore him and after the “tantrum,” he goes to his dish and eats.

Next time, we’ll talk about some other great kidney products produced by the makers of Astro’s Oil. Kidney disease in cats is common and serious but there are some great alternatives that could delay and prolong the progress of this disease and give you many more years with your furry friend.

Remember , your pets counts.


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