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May 2020

Archive for May 1st, 2020

This question crossed my mind many times with both of my cats Molly and now Atlantis. Atlantis was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism and Kidney disease.  My understanding is that Kidney disease cannot be reversed but after I took him for his third Vet visit after diagnosis, another blood test was taken and it revealed that his kidney disease had returned to normal along with his thyroid function. Our Vet predicted that this may happen when they got his thyroid function under control. I was skeptical but when I saw the test results, I was pleased to see a “high normal”kidney reading.

Atlantis started to slowly improve. He is now taking  Methamazole for his thyroid and an appetite enhancer. Although he was improving, I learned through experience that old age and kidney disease go hand in hand. Even though Atlantis’s test showed that his kidney function is now in a “normal” range, I felt that I needed to do the best I can to take care of his kidneys. I added a product called Astro’s oil to my cat Molly’s daily regimen and the results were very promising. In fact, after starting on Astro’s oil, Molly gave me five more years of love and affection.

I decided to start Atlantis on this great product. So what is Astro’s oil and why does it help improve kidney function? The answers coming up. Stay tuned!

Remember, your pets count.

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