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November 2020

Archive for November, 2020

Watch Out When Taking Outdoor Plants Inside!

Saturday, November 7, 2020
posted by Jim Murphy

Some plants are toxic to pets. If you’re thinking of bringing some outdoor plants inside this winter, make sure they are not toxic to your pets.  This is a good time to examine any plants before taking them indoors.  We may not realize it, but we plant flowers that are poisonous to our pets. Here’s a list compiled by the Blue Buffalo Dog Food company.

  • Sago Palm – It has leaves and seeds that can be deadly to pets.
  • Oleander – This outdoor shrub has leaves and flowers that can be extremely toxic and even deadly if ingested by dogs and cats.
  • Azalea/Rhododendron– If your dog eats just a few of the leaves, he will vomit and have diarrhea and excessive drooling.
  • Tulips – The bulbs of these plants are highly toxic to pets, more so than the leaves and flowers. The bulbs are the perfect target for dogs who like to dig.
  • Crocus – If consumed, they can cause gastrointestinal problems.
  • Cyclamen – The roots of this plant can be deadly if ingested by pets.
  • Daffodils – The outer layer of it’s bulbs have crystals that can irritate a pets mouth. Eating the stems and roots can also be toxic.

Make sure any plants that you receive as gifts are not toxic to your pets.

Remember, your pets count!

is an excellent product to slow down the progress of Feline Kidney disease. Check out their website:

Our oldies are playing all the time on Edgewater Gold Radio! It’s a 60s and 70s weekend. Ask alexa to “play Edgewater Gold Radio” or listen from our website: Edgewater Gold

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Measuring Your Pets Health

Friday, November 6, 2020
posted by Jim Murphy

Our pets can’t tell us how they’re feeling. We need to know when our pets are ill and not ignore important, sometimes life threatening symptoms. Here is a quick checklist. If your pet has any unexplained symptoms such as the ones listed below, get him to a vet or animal hospital immediately. It’s always better to be on the safe side and get things checked out fast. Many animal hospitals and clinics are open 24 hours. It’s a good idea to check which ones are open in your area so that you’re ready in case of an emergency.

Symptoms to look for:

Vomiting or Diarrhea
Urinating more frequently
Hair Loss or itchy skin
Stiffness, lameness or difficulty with rising
Lack of Appetite or Decreased Activity
If you notice any of these symptoms, get your pet in for a check up. Many times pet medication will take care of the problem, however any of these symptoms could be a more serious condition.

Remember your pets can’t dial 911!

If your cat has been diagnosed with Chronic Renal Failure, consider adding Astro’s Oil to his daily regimen. You will notice dramatic results. Find our more from their website:

We’re keeping the oldies playing all the time on Edgewater Gold Radio!  Ask Alexa to “play Edgewater Gold Radio” or listen from our website:

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Smart Dog Socialization

Thursday, November 5, 2020
posted by Jim Murphy

In order for dogs to get along with other dogs and humans, they must be socialized. This can be a dicey process. Most of us believe that dog parks are a dependable place for positive dog socializing opportunities. This is not always the case. Dog parks can be fun but then can also bring about negative interactions by forcing your pet to come up against overly aggressive dogs. Try to avoid situations where this can occur. If it happens more than once, take your dog to a different park. You never want your dog to get into a fight with another dog. This can make socializing very difficult for him in the future, You want your dog’s interactions with other dogs in the park to be positive experiences. The more positive interaction ANY dog gets with other dogs, the more likely he will develop and maintain dog-tolerant behavior for life. Make sure that your dog is calm around other dogs while on his leash. You may notice that your dog gets along very well with another friend or relatives dog. While this is a good thing, don’t assume that your dog will behave this way around strange dogs. 

Smart socializing can involve  taking your dog to obedience class. He’ll get used to interacting and being calm around other dogs without the “leash greets’ that he experiences while you’re walking him or taking him to the park. He’ll . experience structured play sessions in safe, contained areas with other known dogs.  Dogs are like people in that they like to have a few people around that they can trust. Like humans good friendships come from familiarity  and develop over time.

Remember, your pets count!

Astros Oil products are excellent for cat with Chronic Kidney Disease. They can extend life and improve the quality of your cats life!

Your oldies are playing all the time on Edgewater Gold Radio! Just ask Alexa to “play Edgewater Gold Radio” or listen from our website: Edgewater Gold

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A Moisture Maven

Tuesday, November 3, 2020
posted by Jim Murphy

My fussy cat Atlantis, loves to suck up the moisture in his wet food rather than eat the food itself. So what if there isn’t enough moisture in your cats food? What I do is add a cat broth to his food and so far this seems to be acceptable to him. Some experts would say to leave his wet food and he will eventually eat it. He usually does but being that Atlantis has conditions like hyperthyroidisn and kidney disease, it’s essential that he eats properly so I spoil him and give him  the extra moisture that he craves everyday.

This does get expensive because you’re not only buying cat food but also adding cat broths or liquid treats to his diet. Don’t use regular broth since they’re high in sodium. You may consider a low sodium chicken or beef broth. I use Tiki Cat gravy treats. The ingredients are  natural and these treats are tasty so Atlantis loves them.

Whatever the case, be prepared to dig deeper when buying cat food!

Remember, your pets count!

Astro’s Oil products are an important addition to your cats regimen if he’s suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease. Their website provides all of the details.

Keep the oldies playing all the time on Edgewater Gold Radio. The 50s 60s 70s and 80s. Ask Alexa to “play Edgewater Gold Radio” or listen from our website: Edgewater Gold

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Calming an Overactive Dog

Monday, November 2, 2020
posted by Jim Murphy

 If your dog is hyperactive, it’s probably due to boredom.

Here are some simple techniques you can try at home to calm your hyperactive dog. I know this is difficult to hear but you should ignore the hyperactivity behavior. If you constantly pay attention to this behavior pattern, you will be reinforcing this behavior. The next time you walk through the door, and your dog jumps, nips and goes crazy on you, ignore him. No touching, no talking to him and no eye contact until he calms down.  You might me surprised on how quickly your dog settles down.

You can redirect his energy by taking him for a walk. It’s great exercise for you and your pet. This will tire him out and calm him down.  Give him a job to do so he doesn’t dash toward a squirrel or bird. Let him carry a small backpack with items like a water bottle or some other small items in it. He will concentrate on carrying this and spend less time worrying about catching that squirrel.  In this case, you are redirecting his hyperactive energy elsewhere.

Remember, your pets count!

Astro’s Oil products are great for feline kidney disease!  Order online and learn all about Astro’s Oil from their website:

The greatest oldies are playing on Edgewater Gold Radio. Ask Alexa to “play Edgewater Gold Radio” or listen from our website:

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Small Dog Syndrome

Sunday, November 1, 2020
posted by Jim Murphy

Do you own a little dog who is the boss of your house? Does she jump up on you when you come home from work, snap at your sleeves, try to bite you when you try to trim her nails, growl at strangers? If so, you’ve got a pet that thinks that she’s in charge. This is a dog with “small” dog syndrome. Your cute little dog thinks that she’s the boss. Think of her as a big Doberman and you’ll see the mistakes that you’re making. Dog owners often let small dogs get away with behavior that they would never tolerate from big dogs.  They let them sleep in their beds, beg for  treats, jump into their laps and more. To  re-claim your leadership, you must refuse to tolerate her bad behavior. Insist on good manners with calm but determined energy and you’ll eventually see that small dog syndrome disappear.

Remember, your pets count!

Astro’s Oil products can prolong life and life quality for cats diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease. Read about all of the benefits on their website:

The best oldies are playing on Edgewater Gold Radio enjoy our 60s and 70s weekend. Ask Alexa to play Edgewater Gold Radio!

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