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February 2010

Archive for February, 2010

dog-sittingThe sit command is simple to teach your dog. It’s an important trick as well since it can save those guests of yours from muddy paws and save your dog from running out into traffic. The best was to teach the sit command is to simple wait for your dog to sit.  Then you say “sit” and give a reward.  The second method involves luring your dogs nose to the sky with a treat till  his behind hits the ground. As soon as it does, say “sit” and give him a treat. A third method uses a little more intervention. Hold his dog leash up, push his backside down and say “sit.”  All of these methods will help your dog associate the word with the action.  This will work as long as your are consistent, practice a lot  and give lots of praise and rewards.

How dangerous are Pit Bulls?

Saturday, February 6, 2010
posted by Jim Murphy

pit-bullHere are some facts about pit bulls. Research shows that pit bulls are on the top of the list of biters and their bites are bad and unpredictable however, German Shepherds bite more than pit bulls.  Pit Bulls are one of the most loyal dogs. There are lots of stereotypes regarding the Pit Bull Terriers. Remember this, bad dogs are rare but bad dog owners are plentiful.  Some people don’t really want a pet but rather want a tough dog that will make them money by fighting. This helps to perpetuate the stereotype that these dogs are “only good for fighting” to quote one “dogman.” These dogs are much more than that. Dog fighting is illegal, immoral, cruel and anyone who puts a dog though this has no moral character or honor.

If you want a pit bull puppy, I would suggest taking enough time researching breeders. Meet the breeders and ask questions about the parents and grandparents. Ask why they breed and go to the kennel and see the other dogs.

Make sure that you have a stable home situation and that there are no bans on owning pit bulls in your town, city or state. Make sure that you have the income to support the dog. The average dog costs between  $1,200 and $1,500 per year in food, medical bills, training, dog leashes and pet carriers. Do your homework before choosing to adopt a pit bull. I strongly believe that some more abusive owners of pit bulls give them their bad reputation.

cocker-spanielThe American Cocker Spaniel can make the perfect family pet and companion. Cocker spaniels are bred to be stable, calm and sweet pets. They should be loyal, loving and trustworthy  too. However as with all dog breeds, you may encounter a cocker spaniel that has been bred without concern for temperament. Occasionally, you will run across a cocker spaniel that is high strung, nervous or unpredictable. Like any dog, cocker spaniels need to be well socialized as puppies. When looking for any pure bred dog including the cocker spaniel, make sure that you check out all aspects of the individual animal. A good breeder will have carefully considered, size, temperament, health and confirmation. So good luck with you new cocker spaniel and make sure you train him properly in his pet carrier or crate.

cute-dogIf you want to search for a new pet online, you have many options depending on what you’re looking for. There are rescue groups for almost any breed of dog or cat. There are shelters in almost every town and there are cyber shelters such as I would advise you not to fall in love with a pet just by looking at a photo. We discussed in previous postings the characteristics of particular breeds of pets.  Research the breeds temperament and background. Consider the breeds, size, general behavior and any other characteristics that may be important to you. Any pet that you bring into your home should match well with your family and your lifestyle. Check out the rescue group as well. Find out about its procedure, its follow up policies and its adoption fees.  Before you go out and buy that dog leash or that cat bed make sure you do your homework.

cat-on-computerCats are always grooming themselves so they rarely develop a nasty odor. You should pay attention if you notice a smell from your cat. Usually this is a sign that something is wrong. One of the most common odors is a fishy, musty smell that is produced from the cats anal gland. The oily contents of these glands are often released when a cat is excited or frightened.  Sometimes the glands become clogged and need to be cleared out by a veterinarian. The foul smell may stay on the cats coat for a few days.  If the problem persists, ask your vet to give your cat a thorough exam. Infections ,abscesses or impactions can result from chronic anal gland problems. So before you bring on the pet odor removal products have the problem checked out.

cat-in-snowstormCats can tolerate the cold  pretty well, but if it’s too cold, it can hurt your cat. Even with their fur coat, outdoor cats can get hypothermia and frostbite when the temperature gets below freezing.  Young, old and sick cats are especially vulnerable. Other wintertime hazards include ingesting deadly antifreeze and sleeping on warm car engines.  If you let your cat outdoors, provide a snug shelter and bring him indoors at night. Provide heated water bowls to prevent dehydration. Keep your cat well fed and well brushed. Matted fur provides poor insulation.  The best thing to do during the cold winter months is to keep your cat inside with you where he is safest in any weather and where he could snuggle into a nice warm cat bed.

cute-dog-and-cat-together-2I received some very sad news today. I received a knock at my door this afternoon and it was my next door neighbor. She told me that her cat just died and she handed me a bad of treats for my cats. She began to cry and I felt so bad for her. It is very difficult to lose a pet. They are part of our families and there is a grieving process that we go through just like we do when humans die. Her cat had been diagnosed with lymphoma last October. She did everything she could but such as disease is usually terminal. Her cat passed away at home. We need to give ourselves time to grieve because losing a pet is difficult. I told her that her cat had the best care, a great home and people who loved her. I’m writing this because I’m also feeling very bad about her loss.

Do not always listen to the advice of a vet. My neighbor told me that one vet told her when the pet was first diagnosed to put her down. How thoughtless and cruel. The guy should not be a vet.  Don’t trust your beloved pet to an insensitive creep like this. She took her cat to another vet who gave her pet medication. Her cat lived relatively pain free for four more months then died naturally. She had a little more time to spend with her pet. Get second opinions and if you have a gut feeling that you’re not getting accurate information from your vet, go with your gut and find another one.