Your Pets Count

pet information that caters to your special friend



May 2024

Your dog has been quiet, he’s always on is dog leash, he bother’s no one. Suddenly that creep of a landload informs you that both of you are being evicted!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
posted by Jim Murphy

no-pets-allowedI once bought a condo where pets were allowed. I had a small dog who did bark when someone would enter the outside hallway. There was a man in the next apartment that did everything in his power to get my small dog evicted. After many months of arguments and meeting with the board, the man decided to move. Good for me and my dog! This isn’t always the case.  If you have a pet, don’t even consider moving into a co-op.   The rules are sometimes so strick that it’s it’s a wonder that they allow children!  It’s plain to see why I am not a fan of co-ops.  When a landlord wants to evict a tenant because he has a cat or a dog, it is very important that the tenant finds an attorney knowledgeable in landlord -tenant matters and in legal defenses in pet based eviction proceedings. I know of someone who owned a dog in a rent stablized apartment in New York City. When the dog died, he got another one. The replacement dog got an eviction notice! The man hired a very good attorney and he won. He was able to keep his dog. I know of another incident where pets were allowed. Then the rule changed and tenants living there for many years were asked to get rid of their beloved pets. This seems unbelievable. People can be extremely ruthless and cruel and sometimes do unbelievable things! Always have a knowledgeable attorney. If the rules regarding pets are unfounded and ridiculous most judges will rule in your favor. You could do everything right, follow the rules by walking your dog in the designated areas, cleaning up after your dog, always keeping him on his dog leash then all of a sudden you get an eviction notice.  I would never get rid of my pet. I would rather break my lease and move. We really have to become a more pet friendly society!

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