Your Pets Count

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May 2024

If You are Ill, How Do You Keep Your Pets Occupied

Wednesday, April 8, 2020
posted by Jim Murphy

Here’s something that we really don’t think about. Coronavirus is affecting all of us in different ways. If you come down with the illness, live alone and have a dog, what do you do to keep him occupied? may have some answers for you.

For dogs

For bored and affection-starved pups, consider a DIY scavenger hunt: Hide treats around the room, house, or (fenced) yard and let ‘em hunt. In a pinch, you can also put PB into the bottom of a cup (that you don’t mind getting chewed at), or just give the dog the remnants of an empty peanut butter jar. Or fill a long-forgotten hollowed-out dog bone with peanut butter and freeze it for a makeshift Kong toy.

Actually buying a Kong for your dog may be a worthwhile investment, as well as considering dog-approved favorites, like the Tuffy’s Ocean Creatures Larry Lobster Dog Toy, which has two squeakers and uses layers of fabric to make a durable chewing toy and the Outward Hound Hide A Squirrel Puzzle Dog Toy, which is great for solo play because your dog can fish the squirrels out of the tree trunk—though you’ll have to put them back in.

For a long-lasting chew treat, go with the Himilayan Dog Chew, which tastes like cheese and is made with yak and cow milk, salt, and lime juice. Your dog will only be able to scrape off a little bit at a time, providing hours of enjoyment.

Remember, your pets count!

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