Your Pets Count

pet information that caters to your special friend



May 2024

Tips for buyers or renters with pets. Don’t bother with places that don’t accept pets, just move on!

Monday, August 30, 2010
posted by Jim Murphy

cute-dog-and-catMoving into a new home is always exciting and the best gift that you can give yourself unless of course your new landlord, condo association, or co-op board is reluctant to accept pets. As a former Real Estate  agent, I can’t tell you how frustrating it is here in northern New Jersey when you have a client who has a pet. Lets face it, pets are a part of our lives, don’t let me get into it but I really can’t stand it when our pets are discriminated against.  It’s really ashamed that many people give up their pets because they are not allowed in their new home. Would give up your child if they were not allowed? How these people could do such a thing is beyond my imagination!  Now lets get to some ways which may help a landlord feel more comfortable in allowing your dog or cat.  For example, you could offer to sign an agreement and pay a pet damage deposit. (This will usually not work in a co-op or condo where their rules are written in stone!)  It may also help to bring up the subject of pets in person with the individual landlord rather than with the property management company.  Remember that’s if the property allows pets. If not, look for another property. It may take more time but don’t bother with condo’s or co-ops that do not allow pets – just pass those by – no loss!  When discussing your pet, be prepared to promote yourself as a responsible pet owner. Tell your landlord that your pet is always on his dog leash and that you always clean up after him.  If possible, get references from your previous landlord, neighbors and your veterinarian. Good

Don’t give up your pet, he should be a part of your move as he is not a piece of furniture!!

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