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March 2011

Archive for March 21st, 2011

Dog etiquette

Monday, March 21, 2011
posted by Jim Murphy

dog-elevatorRemember, not all people are dog lovers. If you live in a heavily populated area or a big city there are some things that you should remember with regards to your dog’s behavior. It’s up to you to present a dog who is well socialized and under control. If you’re in the elevator, keep you dog in the far corner so he doesn’t try to dash out every time the door opens. Never let your dog jump on the other people in the elevator. If your dog is not well socialized, make it a point to train him. In the meantime check with management to see if you could take a freight elevator or the stairs if you’re not on a high floor. Never allow your dog to soil in front of the building’s entrance. If you have a young pup or dog-in-training who can’t control himself, be sure to carry paper towels and odor neutralizer.

If you are planning on visiting friends and you want to take your dog, always check to make sure that it’s ok to bring the dog. Make sure that your dog will not run through your friends home and possible destroy some valuable possessions . Make sure that your dog is trained and does not jump. Never just assume that taking your dog is “OK.” and never surprise your friends with your dog  without checking first.  Be considerate of others who may not be dog lovers or who may even be afraid of dogs. Always reward your dog with a dog treat for good behavior.