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June 2010

Archive for June, 2010

older-dog-with-bone-on-headAll dogs get into a routine but the older your dog gets, the more he will rely on his normal routine.  A nice long walk in the park and a game of fetch provides some great exercise and social activity for your older dog.  If you’re at home, a game of hide and seek with his favorite ball or  toy will not only keep him from getting board but will give his some additional good exercise.

Remember that dogs love to work, so spend some time teaching him a new trick them give him some treats, he’ll enjoy the extra attention plus the treats!

Another idea is to make him use his sense of smell. Pick out a dog toy or treat and make him smell it. Make sure he gets a good wiff. Then hide the object while he stays in one place. Ask him to “fetch it” and you’ll see how fast he brings it back to you.

After all this activity, your dog will enjoy a nice rest in his cozy fleece dog bed.

These are all additional things that you could add to his routine. It will keep your older dog healthy and active.

Do cats really keep mice away?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
posted by Jim Murphy

cat-and-mouseThe answer to this question is “yes” they do. I’ll give you an example. I own a mobile home in Delaware, where I spend many weekends. I’ve spoken to my neighbors and they tell me that mobile homes frequently have mice because it’s easy for them to get in through the heating and air conditioning ducts which run under the floor. I always bring my two cats with me when I go down there. I have never had any mice.  Even if your cat is not a “mouser” his scent should keep away mice.

Over time, mice and rats have evolved a strong aversion to the smell of cats as well as other predators.  Even laboratory raised rodents will freak out when they smell a cat.  There was a study that was done by Japanese researchers that raised a group of mutant mice. These mice could smell cats just fine, they just didn’t know that they should be afraid of them.  When confronted by a cat they chose to investigate and even try to play with it rather than flee!

Don’t worry, your cat will keep mice away. If you don’t have any mice, get him some cat toy mice to play with!

cat-in-cat-bedCats can get very cold and could get themselves into a very dangerous situation.  It’s critical that all warm blooded animals maintain a certain body temperature and your cat is no exception.  If your cat stays outdoors for too long in very cold weather, she could lose so much body heat that it becomes life threatening.  If her gums are blue or she’s shivering violently, or she’s so cold that she’s barely breathing, she has hypothermia.  You need to get her warmed up, but not too quickly.  Take her to a small room and place her in her warm cat bed and wrap her in a cozy blanket.  Fill some bottles with warm water and tuck them in around her. Do not place anything hot up against her cold body as it could burn her.  If things don’t begin to improve, call your veterinarian right away.

dog-and-puppy1Inflamed pads on the bottom of your dog’s feet can indicate any number of problems. A thorn, a splinter or a burr could wedge between his toes causing pain and discomfort. Maybe he nicked himself on some metal or glass and the wound is becoming inflamed.  This could be the reason why he is spending more time in his dog bed lately.  This could also occur in the winter when he walked on salted roads leaving his pads sore and cracked.  He may have even developed an itchy annoying skin allergy. If a look at your dog’s feet reveals a thorn or splinter, carefully tweeze it out then rub on some antibiotic cream.  If his pads are cracked and raw, wash and dry them gently and apply a soothing ointment.  If you can’t figure out what’s wrong, your veterinarian can.

Proper vaccines for kittens

Saturday, June 5, 2010
posted by Jim Murphy

kitten-youngYou’ve just adopted a very young kitten who has not yet had any vaccines. Now’s the perfect time to get off to a good start. Don’t worry about all of the cat toys and accessories now, vaccinations are very important at an early age. All new kittens need a series of vaccines that are spaced between 3 and 4 weeks apart. You should start the vaccination series when your kitten is between 6 and 8 weeks old. Essential vaccines include rabies (this is required by law in New Jersey) and the FVRCP combination vaccine that protect against the common feline viral infections. Some health organizations also recommend the feline leukemia vaccine for all kittens. I would strongly recommend this as well.  This is essential if your cat goes outdoors. There are also many “non-essential” vaccines that can be recommended by your veterinarian.

After the series of vaccinations are completed, a first year booster for both rabies and FVRCP is required. Rabies is given yearly after this and FVRCP is often given every three years for indoor cats. Another important item that should be considered for all kittens is parasite screening, routine deworming (most kittens have worms either from their mother or the environment) and retrovirus screening. This includes leukemia and feline immunodeficiency virus.

As soon as you get your kitten, get him in for a checkup. If he is sick, the disease will take over quickly and could be fatal. Many years ago when I was very young, I adopted a kitten. I didn’t take him for a checkup and he developed feline distemper and within two days, he died.  Had I known at the time how important these checkups are, I may have been able to save him.

cat-clear-eyesDoes your pet have red, teary, weepy eyes or puffy eyelids?  Do her eyes have a greenish or yellowish discharge?  If so, she is probably feeling the pain of an infection or inflammation of the tissue that lines the eyelid and coats the eye.  This is called conjunctivitis or “pink eye.”  Symptoms of this infection can vary.  From Allergens, chemicals and grasses to bacteria, viruses and fungi.  Once the causative agent is identified, pet medications such as antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs are used to dispatch it.  In most cases, these medications work and the result is bright, clear and healthy eyes.  Treatment is a must as conjunctivitis that is left untreated can lead to other more serious problems.

cute-cat-2It was a very uncomfortable day today here in the northeast. High heat and humidity made it miserable!  When heat and humidity reached the levels that it did today, any strenuous physical activity for your cat or travel in his pet carrier should be avoided.  The high humidity will prevent your cats body from cooling down because cats do not sweat like we do.  High humidity can cause strokes, cramps and exhaustion.  All of these conditions can be very dangerous for your pet.  Body fluids in your cat are lost in these conditions and the body temperature can rise to a very high level.

I travel to Delaware frequently and many times, I will take the ferry across the Delaware Bay to Cape May, NJ on my way home. The problem in the summer is that my cats travel with me and when I drive the car on to the ferry, I never know where it will end up. If it’s in the sun, my cats will get very hot since I have to turn off the engine and the trip across the bay in one hour and fifteen minutes. This is very dangerous for them so my solution, I never take the ferry in the hot summer months.

How do you know if your cat is overheated?  If your cat has breathing problems, coughing or a dry throat, he is probably dehydrated and get him to a cool, shady spot with plenty of water on hand right away.

During the summer, take precautions when it comes to your pets. You may have to change your plans to keep them safe. Keep them in a cool area and always have their water bowl filled.

What kind of cat bed should you buy?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
posted by Jim Murphy

cute-cats-in-bedWhen it comes to beds for cats, you shouldn’t have a problem. Cats like to sleep anywhere where it’s quiet and dark. My cats love their beds and spend many hours in them. When I drive to Delaware, I have to take my younger cat, Millie’s bed along. My older cat, Mollie, loves closets and will sleep in a closet if she gets the opportunity. If your cat does sleep in a closet, you have to make sure that you keep the door open so that she can get out.  Sometimes cats don’t like the materials that the beds are made of and would prefer the floor or a chair. I always go with a soft foam bed. I wouldn’t spend lots of money when purchasing a cat bed. I spent about $75 on one cat bed for my younger cat. She wouldn’t go near it. I bought another bet for $15 and I can’t get her out of it,  “go figure.”   Cats love to sleep and will spend about 12 – 15 hours a day sleeping. Your cat will make good use out of his cat bed!

sad-dog-and-catDivorce is one of the most stressful times in anyone’s life but it can also be very stressful for your dog.  A dog is a social animal bonded to a family routine and a way of life.  Our dogs rely on us for their physical, mental and emotional welfare.  Unfortunately, our dogs are never given consideration when it comes to our family matters.  Most people don’t say “Lets not scream, the dog is in the other room.” But you know what? They should say this. Our behavior can cause our pets a lot of stress that could affect their overall health.  Our moods and tantrums have a very negative affect on our dogs. They don’t deserve it!  When I am stressed and yell, it affects my cats and I do feel guilty because I know that they are stressed out.  A few weeks ago, I had a very loud conversation with a phone solicitor who has been driving me nuts! My cats ran in the other room. I really felt guilty that I caused them stress and I’m trying to be more aware that my actions can have a negative affect on them.

If a dog is suddenly becoming destructive,  or is howling and barking a lot, Animal Behaviorists will ask if there was a divorce or death in the family. Remember our animals can sense when something is wrong.   Have consideration for your pet. Keep him healthy and happy and off of pet medication.