Your Pets Count

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May 2024

These Crazy Cats

Friday, September 20, 2013
posted by Jim Murphy

MollySometimes I think that I have two spoiled children living with me but instead they are of the feline variety. My cats control me. It’s not the other way around. Here’s my day. At about 3:30 am every morning, my cat, Molly will sit on my nightstand and try to get me to get up. She will move things around, throw something on the floor but when none of this works, she gently swipes my cheek with her paw. Her sharp claws do the job and wake me up. It’s time for me to give her a can of Fancy Feast. I make my bathroom stop and open the can for her and drag myself back to bed. I fall asleep for a few more hours until Molly once again tries to tell me that it’s time to get up. She sits on my pillow and starts nibbling on my hair. Despite my attempts to tell her to stop it, she usually wins. I drag myself out of bed and give her and my younger cat Millie their water and dry food for the day. It doesn’t stop here. Millie needs to take her shower. So she loudly meows by the bathroom door. Yes, this sucker goes in the bathroom and turns the shower on for her. She washes her paws and drinks the cool running water. In the meantime, Molly is watching her. If I don’t intervene, there will certainly be a brawl. You see, Molly doesn’t  want Millie in the shower or anywhere for that matter. So I gently carry Millie out of the bathroom into safety. Mollie now jumps in the shower and drinks the cool water. WHAT ABOUT ME?? I’m the one who has to get to work on time!! I then persuade Mollie that her shower time is over. I then jump in while I still have a chance. After I come out of the shower, Mollie is standing there meowing. It’s time for her to be brushed and pampered. So this sucker, bushes and talks nice to her for about five minutes.  The clock is ticking and I barely have time to have my coffee, get dressed and get out the door!

In the evening, at about 7:30 both cats start hinting around that they want their snacks. One will meow and the other will sit next to her bowl. After snacks, Millie wants to help me water the plants on the terrace. She sits by the terrace door and waits for me. If I’m not quick enough, she will serenade me again with her high pitched “Meows.”

I now settle down for a little TV. It’s now Millies play time. She cries and cries until I take her fish toy out. She runs back and forth and never seems to stop. She jumps, rolls and darts all over the place. Forget about TV, this is now “Millies” time!  She finally tires herself out and goes in her bed.  AAAH! What’s the point? I should turn in as well.

Remember, your pets count!

Listen to six great radio stations on THE EDGEWATER INTERNET RADIO NETWORK!Millie


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