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May 2024

Smart Dog Socialization

Thursday, November 5, 2020
posted by Jim Murphy

In order for dogs to get along with other dogs and humans, they must be socialized. This can be a dicey process. Most of us believe that dog parks are a dependable place for positive dog socializing opportunities. This is not always the case. Dog parks can be fun but then can also bring about negative interactions by forcing your pet to come up against overly aggressive dogs. Try to avoid situations where this can occur. If it happens more than once, take your dog to a different park. You never want your dog to get into a fight with another dog. This can make socializing very difficult for him in the future, You want your dog’s interactions with other dogs in the park to be positive experiences. The more positive interaction ANY dog gets with other dogs, the more likely he will develop and maintain dog-tolerant behavior for life. Make sure that your dog is calm around other dogs while on his leash. You may notice that your dog gets along very well with another friend or relatives dog. While this is a good thing, don’t assume that your dog will behave this way around strange dogs. 

Smart socializing can involve  taking your dog to obedience class. He’ll get used to interacting and being calm around other dogs without the “leash greets’ that he experiences while you’re walking him or taking him to the park. He’ll . experience structured play sessions in safe, contained areas with other known dogs.  Dogs are like people in that they like to have a few people around that they can trust. Like humans good friendships come from familiarity  and develop over time.

Remember, your pets count!

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