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May 2024

What To Do If Your Timid Dog Gets Loose

Saturday, March 11, 2017
posted by Jim Murphy

shydogMany people choose to adopt a shy or timid dog because they may be calmer and easier to handle than a more active, hyper breed.  What should you do if your timid dog gets loose or lost?  You may want to proceed a little differently than if your dog was more active. Here are some tips.

  1. Call the rescue organization from where you adopted the dog. In some cases, they may send someone out to help locate the dog since the dog may be bonded which can help.
  2. Contact your locate animal shelter and animal hospitals and inform them that the dog is missing. Local shelters have experience in setting up methods to locate your dog.
  3. Call your dogs name if you think you see him. Never chase a dog. Always remember that the dog is frightened and will run even further away if chased.
  4. Leave a food and water bowl our near your home. Or if you know the area where your dog is hiding, leave it there. If you do know the area where the dog ay be hiding, inform the local animal shelter, so they can set up a trap in that area and they will include the food and water in the trap.
  5. Post lost dog flyers in the neighborhood and on social media. The flyers should contain the dogs photo, contact info and dogs name.

Lastly, many shy dogs gain confidence if they are adopted into a family who already has a friendly dog. The shy dog may quickly gain his confidence by being around a friendly dog.

Remember ,your pets count!

It’s a cold weekend here in the mid-atlantic. How about warming oldies to listen to all weekend long? Here are the best places for oldies music.

Edgewater Gold Radio – a great variety from the 50’s 60’s 70’s early 80’s and pop standards!

Rehoboth Radio 5060 – If you love 50’s and 60’s, here your place!

The Beach Station – Oldies, 50’s and 60’s and beach music!

Listen to all three stations from our website site! The Edgewater Internet Radio Network! Bookmark in and you can download the free Edgewater Gold Radio app from our site.

Don’t forget to set your clock ahead one hour tonight!

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