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May 2024

Excessive Thirst, Vomiting and Urination in Cats, Classic Sign of Kidney Disease

Wednesday, September 28, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

caturinecat-drinkingAs you know, my older cat Molly is suffering from chronic kidney disease. She is 17 years old and this disease is common in older cats. Unfortunately kidney disease is not curable. They key is to  sustaining your cats quality of life for as long as you can. The first thing I noticed is that Molly was at her water bowl all the time and from there, she would go directly to her litter pan to urinate. The litter pan got saturated with volumes of urine and had to be changed very frequently. This along with frequent vomiting is a classic sign of kidney disease. If you notice any of these signs, take your cat to the vet as soon as possible. There are ways to slow down the progress of this disease and your vet will advise as to the best method. Do not give any over the counter pet medication on your own. In most cases, it won’t work. Molly is on a mixed wet cat food diet that is lower in protein and phosphorus. She also gets a few drops of high potent omega oil mixed with her food. Although she still urinates frequently, her vomiting and water intake has decreased a bit. “Dad is taking good care of her.”

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