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May 2024

Saving Your Cat From A Fire

Saturday, September 24, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

catrescuefireman_water_hose_md_whtA cat will be more difficult to save during a house fire than a dog. Cats have a tendency to quickly run and hide to get our of danger, They will find places to hide where rescue could be very difficult.  Here are some guidelines that may help save your cat in the event of a fire.

  1. Secure your cat – As soon as your notice that there is a fire in your home, put your cat in a bathroom, closet or his carrier which is the best choice.
  2. Use cat carriers – This is the safest way to transport your cat. Your cat is very emotional. As soon as the commotion starts, they will go into a fight or flight mode. It’s best to have them secure so you can both make a quick getaway.
  3. Grab Your Cats Things – If you have time, grab things like their cat bed, some cat food, litter box, cat scratchers and some other things.
  4. Calming Agents – Bring some things that will calm your cat such as cat toys or cat treats.  Play is the best way to switch a cat for fear mode to something more positive. Giving a cat treat may also help but don’t expect all cats to eat when they are under stress.
  5. Secure Your Cat Again – Once you have arrived at your safe place, tuck your cat into a small room with their things.Cats bond to place as well as people, so having you there with them, talking quietly and using the calming agents, can help them know they’re safe and sound.

Thank to Happy Cat s Haven for providing some of this valuable information.

Remember, your pets count!

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