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May 2024

Camping with Your Pet

Thursday, August 11, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

campingdogCamping is big this year. Thousands are packing up their tent and gear and heading off to a campground to spend a vacation ruffing in the wild. Many people take along their best friends while camping. Make sure that you keep your dog on a leash so that other campers are not disturbed and your dog is not at risk for becoming lost or injured. Keep your dog away from fires and cooking utensils.Keep your dog close to you during your camping expedition. If you are unable to supervise your dog, be sure he is properly confined. Do not leave your dog confined in a closed car or tied to a stationary object though. Provide a dog carrier, crate, or portable fencing unit instead. Check your dogs fur regularly for ticks and brush your dog frequently. If you find a tick, remove in by grasping it and pulling it slowing and gently away from the skin.

One time when I was camping, my dog and I were fast asleep in our tent. I woke up to hearing breaking twigs outside.. As I peered through the window, I saw a black bear a few feet from our tent. I did everything to keep my little dog quiet. He began to squeal and bark and I begged him to be quiet! Luckily I’m here to tell the story. I wasn’t camping in a campground but was in the woods in the Poconos. I recommend that you camp at a campground!

Thanks for Pet Finder for providing some of this information.

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