Your Pets Count

pet information that caters to your special friend



May 2024

Appreciating You Beloved Pet

Thursday, July 28, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

OWNER DOGANDCATYou wake up in the morning and your dog or cat is right there waiting for you. They are always happy to see you no matter what has happened. Even if you were apart for just a few hours, they make you feel that you are the most important person in the world. Your dog is wagging his tail and jumps up to give you hugs and kisses. You put on his dog leash and take him out for a walk and all of the stress from your day seems to melt away.  Your cat is a little more subtle but mine always get up from their naps to greet me. If I pick them up, they contently purr in my ear.

How is this for a gift, your pets give you undying loyalty, unconditional love, and everything good, honest and loving all wrapped up in a ball. It makes you appreciate your life and are glad that our pets are a big part of our lives.

So reward your best friend with a dog or cat toy and a comfortable dog or cat bed to sleep in and be thankful that he is always there for you!

Remember, your pets count!

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