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May 2024

City Living With A Dog

Thursday, July 7, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

NYCDOGThe city is a place where there’s always lots of noise, traffic and other dogs of all types and personalities. This can be disastrous if you and your pet are new to the city. Always be aware of you and your dog’s surroundings. Keep your dog close to you on his dog leash at all times. Letting your dog stray too far on his leash can lead to trouble. Bicyclists and skateboarders can appear from no where. Your dog can also stray into the busy street. He is in danger even if he’s close to the curb. Your dog can not only be scared but can get run over as well. Most important, make sure that you watch for other dogs. Even if the other dogs are on a dog leash and their owners say that they are friendly, you should never let your dog get too close. Most dogs (and even your own) are very protective of their owners, so you never know how they will react when another dog comes up to them. Hold on to them very tight and NEVER tie them to a hydrant or pole while you go into a store! I know of several people who did this and came out to find their dog gone. Find out where the dog parks are and take your dog there any opportunity you can. He can run around and fetch his dog toys in an open area.  It’s much better that walking your dog on the crowded city streets.

Remember, your pets count!

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