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May 2024

Hiking with Your Dog

Monday, August 23, 2021
posted by Jim Murphy

Hiking with your dog can be a lot of fun but you must make sure that your pet is properly conditioned. Take along your dogs water bowl and plenty of water and know the signs of heat stroke and dehydration. Here are a few additional tips to remember when taking your dog on a hike.

Spend time conditioning your dog. Take him a long walks and get him used to walking and running up and down hills. Do this slowly, eventually your dog will gain the strength required for a long hike.
Avoid hiking in the desert but rather pick forests and springs.
Take along maps and also a compass, know where the closest veterinarian is and it’s also a good idea to take along their phone number.
Take along plenty of water.
Bring along sunscreen for your self and your dog.
Allow time for frequent breaks in the shade.
Remember dogs cannot communicate physical distress like us. Be alert and check your dog frequently. If your dog is seeking shade or frequently plopping down, stop. Stay in the shade awhile and give him plenty of water.
Know the area. Keep your dog away from snakes and other animals which could pose danger to you and your dog.
Review canine first aid cautions and procedures. You could take a Humane Society or hiking safety course before setting out, and have a basic first aid kit with you at all times when hiking with your dog and don’t forget some dog treats and outside dog toys!
Have a great time and enjoy your hike!

Remember, your pets count!

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