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January 2021

Archive for January, 2021

Good Nutrition for Your Pooch

Friday, January 8, 2021
posted by Jim Murphy

Where do we begin when it comes to feeding your dog. First of all, let me say that you should never feed poor quality food. It’s usually more expensive because the quantities are increased in order to fulfill the dogs nutritional requirements. In addition to this, it is very likely that poor quality food will cause digestive problems.  So get a high quality food and make sure to look at the label for recommendations. If you have a puppy, it is recommended that you feed him three times a day until is is between five and six months old on average. Then cut the feeding down to twice a day but increase the food so they are getting the same amount. Some people choose to feed their dog once per day but I would recommend twice. Once in the morning and once at night. Factor in his treats.  Check with your vet as far as feeding requirements for your type of dog.  Read the labels and do not overfeed. Watch the amount of treats that you give him. Too many treats can make him overweight. Make sure that he has plenty of exercise. One last thought, don’t change the number of times that you feed him. If you’re feeding your dog twice a day, stick to it. Always remember not to overfill his dog dish.

Remember, your pets count!

I have an older cat with multiple health issues including Feline Kidney Disease. Astros Oil is a natural product that I’ve been giving to him for quite a lone time. I’ve also gave it to my cat Molly, who passed away three years ago as she also had kidney disease. This product was a lifesaver. It helped both of my cats and continues to help my cat Atlantis. He is eating better, has gained weight and is living a higher quality life! Find out more about Astro’s Oil from their website: Astro’s 

Join Edgewater Gold Radio for another 60s and 70s weekend. The greatest songs of the 60s and 70s. Ask Alexa to “play Edgewater Gold Radio or listen from our website: Edgewater Gold  

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Ten Very Toxic Foods for Cats

Wednesday, January 6, 2021
posted by Jim Murphy

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Many people like to buy trendy coats for their pooch just to make a fashion statement but are coats necessary since most dogs have a thick coat of fur protecting them? Matthew Cooper, an emergency Veterinarian at New York Veterinary Specialists, a 24 hour vet emergency clinic in Manhattan says “for the most part, it’s not necessary.”  He also says that when it comes to long walks in the cold, the dogs mind it half as much as we do.

Some Veterinarians say that thick coats can be dangerous for your dog. If they are getting lots of exercise during their walk in the cold, the heavy coats could cause heat stroke. Remember, dogs don’t catch colds and low temperatures won’t give them the sniffles.  The truth is that many dogs don’t mind the frigid temperatures one bit.  It’s money that you don’t need to spend.

A coat will help a small breed with very short hair for obvious reasons.

For Feline Kidney Disease, consider using Astro’s Oil. This is a great natural product that will improve your cat’s life quality and extend his life. Find out more about Astro’s Oil from their website: Astros

Your greatest oldies are playing right now on Edgewater Gold Radio! 50s 60s 70s and 80s! Radio like you remember it! Ask Alexa to “play Edgewater Gold Radio” or listen from our website: Edgewater Gold


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Cat Tears

Monday, January 4, 2021
posted by Jim Murphy

If your cat looks like she’s weeping, she’s probably not crying over spilled milk.  There are many different reasons why she could be tearing up, so you may need to take her to a veterinarian to find out for sure.  A sudden bout with watery eyes could be caused by allergies, an upper respiratory infection, or even an injury.  Persistent watery eyes could indicate an inherited defect for a chronic problem such as glaucoma, cataracts or conjunctivitis.  Be sure to keep an eye on your cats eyes. They should be clear and bright and the whites should not be discolored. If you do notice a problem, take her to the veterinarian for a proper exam.

Remember, your pets count!

Astro’s Oil for Feline Kidney disease. It’s a excellent natural product that will improve your cat’s overall health and extend life. Check out the story behind Astro’s Oil and purchase it online.

Your favorite songs are playing right now on Edgewater Gold Radio. 50s 60s 70s and 80s all the time! Radio like you remember it! Ask Alexa to “play Edgewater Gold Radio” or listen from our website: Edgewater Gold

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Geriatric Wellness

Saturday, January 2, 2021
posted by Jim Murphy

Did you know that there is an entire class of veterinary medicine for older pets? It’s called  “geriatric” wellness for middle and old age pets. The aging process differs according to the size and breed of the pet. Larger dogs normally have shorter life spans than smaller dogs. For example, a Great Dane has an average life span of eight years while a Toy Poodle may live to 15. Cats can live to 20 or beyond. It’s important to know your pet and it’s life expectancy. It’s also helpful to know about the breed and some of the disease related traits that may go along with it. Different types of diseases such as arthritis of certain types of cancers can be associated with specific breeds.

Older pets should be examined by their vet about twice per year. Your pet’s doctor may wish to perform blood screening, urine or fecal tests. These tests are important because they can detect early changes in liver or kidney function and well as certain endocrine diseases.  Discuss changes to your senior pets diet with your vet. There are certain diets that are actually higher in fat content than adult maintenance diets. Always look at the caloric content of the diet.

Finally, your vet may want to put your pet on supplements or anti-inflammatory medications to ease your pets comfort. Older pets become stiff and battle with arthritis, so it’s important that you make them as comfortable as possible and improve the quality of your pets life.

Many older cats are diagnosed with kidney disease which is ultimately fatal. There are things you could do to improve the quality of your cats life as well as extending it sometimes significantly. In addition to the traditional methods of controlling kidney disease, add Astro’s Oil, a natural effective way to improve and prolong your cat’s life. Read all about it’s benefits, how it was developed and how to order from their website:

Remember, your pets count!

Enjoy the music of the 60’s and 70’s on Edgewater Gold Radio! It’s radio like you remember it! Ask Alexa to “play Edgewater Gold Radio” or listen from our website: Edgewater Gold

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Well we made it to 2021 and hopefully this year will prove to be better than last year. It will be a slow start as we are still coping with record breaking illness and deaths from the Coronavirus . We have more than two weeks before the new administration takes over and the old administration continues to wreak havoc and attempt to undermine our democracy every single day. We still have record breaking unemployment and loss of homes, jobs and businesses but take a breath things will slowly improve. We will see a slow down in the spread of coronavirus as the vaccine gets into people’s arms. We will have a qualified, respected, empathetic President and Vice President who will keep needs of the people of this country at heart rather than his ego. The Trump hurricane, will become a tropical storm, tropical depression and then eventually dissipate into oblivion we hope! Businesses we re-open and we will be able to travel and socialize again.

This process will be slow but we cannot let our guard down. There will be some tough months ahead but we will get through. Take heart in the comfort of our homes, family and pets. Make each day matter! We are coming over the hill and on the way down to more normal way of life hopefully with a greater appreciation of the little things that got us through this very tough time!

Happy New Year!

Enjoy the greatest oldies of the 60s and 70s and on an extended 60s and 70s weekend on Edgewater Gold Radio! Radio like you remember it! Ask Alexa to “play Edgewater Gold Radio” or listen from our website: Edgewater Gold

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