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Archive for May, 2010

cat-with-green-frog-headIt seems that cat odor and stains can linger and linger. If you do not treat this quickly, you can use clear soda water or seltzer. This may neutralize the odor but probably will not completely eliminate it. You have to make sure that you rinse and blot the spot several times.  The worst thing that you could do is use an ammonia based cleaner. The reason for this is that cats will return to this scent and create more of a mess time and time again.

There are three basic categories for urine removers.

  1. Enzymatic
  2. Bacterial
  3. Chemical

Each of these is more or less effective depending on how recently the “accident” occurred and whether you’ve use other cleaners.  A good rule of thumb to follow is use a urine odor remover before using a general rug cleaning shampoo.

Spraying (male cats that are not neutered will do this) is a whole different ball game. The odor is much stronger and more difficult to remove. Cats spray to mark territory or occasionally because of stress. There are products on the market that can be used to discourage this type of behavior. Always keep pet odor removers on hand.