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May 2024

A Homemaid Remedy for Getting Rid of Cat Urine Smell

Tuesday, October 1, 2013
posted by Jim Murphy

CUTE KITTYThe smell of cat urine tends to linger on for an eternity. If your cat urinates on your carpet, he’s probably make this his new toilet. He will be attracted to the smell and go back to the same area again and again. How to get him to stop doing it is another topic but today, we’re going to give you some tips on how to get rid of the urine smell.



Get some white vinegar (the old, plain kind will do), hydrogen peroxide, liquid hand soap, and baking soda.
If the spot is dry, proceed to step 3. Otherwise, blot the area (don’t rub!) with a paper towel to absorb as much moisture as you can.
Mix equal parts water to vinegar and pour the mixture over the affected area to saturate and let it dry.
Liberally sprinkle the baking soda over the spot.
Then stir up a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and dish liquid (four parts hydrogen peroxide to one part detergent) and lightly rub the mixture onto the area. Use a brush (old toothbrushes work wonders), gloved fingers, or whatever else you have on hand to get the job done.
After it dries, vacuum the area. If the smell remains, repeat the process.
Thank you to Arm and Hammer for providing us with this useful tip!
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