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A guide to kitten vaccinations and diseases – Pet medication cannot help certain kitten diseases.

Sunday, November 15, 2009
posted by Jim Murphy

tw-ocatsAs soon as you bring home your kitten, you must get him vaccinated. Your kitten should receive his first set of shots when he is between eight and ten weeks old. If your kitten has received some of their shots from another breeder, it is important that you get your veterinarians recommendation on how to proceed with his vaccinations.

Here is a guide to what the vaccinations are for.

Feline Leukemia – This is a viral disease that attacks the immune system and leaves it defenseless in fighting off infection. It is spread by saliva. Symptoms include recurring illness, weight loss, trouble breathing and a yellow color around the eyes and mouth.

Feline Pneumonitis (Chlamydia) – This is a bacterial disease that is highly contagious and causes upper respiratory infections. Symptoms includes watery eyes, sneezing and coughing.

Feline Calcivirus – This disease attacks the lungs are lower respiratory trac.  This causes most of the respiratory infections in cats. It is highly contagious and is spread by sneezing. It is often complicated by other infections.

Feline Rhinotracheitis (FVR) This disease attacks the upper respiratory trac and is highly contagious to cats of all ages. Symptoms include sneezing, inflammation of the eye and fever.

Feline Panleukopenia (Feline Distemper – This in my opinion is the worst of all diseases. It attacks fast and fierce. Once your cat has symptoms, you do not have much time left to save him.  It is the most widespread and contagious cat disease. It can be transmitted through blood, urine, feces and mucus. Symptoms include fever, diarrhea, vomiting and loss of appetite.

Get you kitten vaccinated right away and report any symptoms to your vet. Pet medication may be appropriate in some cases.

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