Your Pets Count

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May 2024

Protect your pet during Hurricane Sandy

Sunday, October 28, 2012
posted by Jim Murphy

We are making final preparations for the arrival of this very large, dangerous storm. Make sure that your pets are included in your plans. Most shelters accept pets so please don’t leave your pets behind. Make a checklist for yourself as well as your pets. The official Delaware Website as a good checklist of what to include.


  • Make a disaster kit. Just like you have a kit for your family, your pets should have waterproof kits as well. Include medical records, vaccination history and medications, current photographs, veterinarian contact information, documentation of any behavior problems, alternate contact information, first-aid kit, leashes, collars, harnesses or muzzles with identification tags, a pet carrier, food and water bowls, litter pans, toys, blankets and food and water for at least seven days, with a can opener.
  • Update vaccinations. Make sure your pet is up-to-date before a storm event occurs.
  • Have an evacuation plan. Designated Delaware emergency shelters now offer housing for pets at or near human shelters. You should bring your pet disaster kit along, including food and water, and are encouraged to visit regularly and oversee day-to-day care for their pets. Owners should also have a list of other locations where they can evacuate with their pets, such as relatives, pet shelters or pet-friendly motels or hotels. Determine several routes to your local shelters before you leave.

Good luck and stay safe!

Remember, your pets count!

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