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Caring for a cat with diabetes

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
posted by Jim Murphy

cats-ice-creamThere are two types of diabetes that cats get. Diabetes Mellitus occurs when a cats body cannot produce or use insulin correctly. Then there’s type 2 diabetes which usually doesn’t require insulin. Caring for a cat with diabetes is a joint effort and it’s very important that you do your part along with your veterinarian.  As soon as a cat is diagnosed with Diabetes Mettitus, she will probably require insulin injections. You have to administer these injections according to the schedule that your vet provides. The dosage will depend on needs and condition of the cat.  Types of insulin varies from cat to cat. You should have her blood tested regularly to determine if the amount of insulin is sufficient or  in some cases, it may be too much.  Your vet will show you how to give your cat her insulin shot.  One good place to give the injection is along the side of your cats’ body.  Insulin shots are usually given twice per day in either one or two units per shot.

Once your cat has been diagnosed with diabetes, you must always monitor her at home. Take note of any changes in her weight, eating habits or blood sugar levels. Notify your if vet  you do notice any changes.  Also consult your vet before administering any additional pet medications for other  conditions.

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