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Can two cats get along?

Friday, January 14, 2011
posted by Jim Murphy

cat-sleepingIf your two cats are like mine, unfortunately, the answer is no but this is not true in many cases.

I found my older female cat, Mollie when she was only 5 weeks old under a car on a damp, rainy night. She immediately became very attached to me and to this day, she follows me around where ever I go. I adopted another female cat, Millie about 6 years ago. Millie was only 2 months when she was adopted. The moment that I put the two of them together, war broke out. Mollie didn’t want any part of her or me anymore for that matter. She was extremely upset. It took a few months for Mollie to warm up to me again. How could I upset her little world?   To this day Mollie does not like Millie. She blocks Millie’s entrance to all rooms including the bathroom where her kitty litter is.  She growls when Millie passes her and sometimes chases and swats at her. This could be very frustrating because Millie is a very gentle cat who won’t hurt anybody.

Here are some tips when acquiring another cat. The most ideal situation is to get them both at the same time and it’s even better if they are from the same litter.  If you already have a cat, introduce them gradually. Let them first see and smell each other through a screened in area.  If they are both females, don’t expect much. It is known that usually two females will not take to each other if there is already one in the house. You’ll have better luck with a male and a female.

Two males will be territorial at first but they will eventually learn to put up with one another.

Make sure that you feed them and give them cat treats at the same time to avoid any food conflicts. Have two separate kitty litter pans and bowls for them. Most of all be patient, sometimes the personality of the cat alone will make the difference.

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