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Proctecting your pet with a microchip

Thursday, January 13, 2011
posted by Jim Murphy
Dog getting a micro chip implanted

Dog getting a micro chip implanted

You live on the first floor and despite all of your efforts, your dog or cat slips out the door and is no where to be found. Panic sets in as you search around your home and eventually start looking all over the neighborhood. What an awful feeling!  If you have your dog’s name, phone number and address,on his tag,  the chances are pretty good that someone will spot him and you’ll get a call with some good news.  What if the collar falls off?  To protect your pet, many pet owners are turning to a fairly new technology. A microchip is implanted inside your pet and in the event that he gets lost and someone finds him, they can take him to a vet or animal shelter to be scanned.

Each microchip contains a registration number and the phone number of the registry for the particular brand of chip. The vet or animal shelter will use a handheld scanner that reads the radio frequency of the chip and displays this information. The animal shelter or vet clinic that finds your pet can contact the registry to get your name and phone number.

It’s a very easy procedure where the tiny micro chip is injected under your pets skin similar to receiving an regular injection.

Don’t only rely on these chips,  the tag on your dog or cat’s collar will be his easiest way home.  Remember that when you are walking your dog, always keep him on his dog leash.

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