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The bests breeds of dogs for families with children

Sunday, December 26, 2010
posted by Jim Murphy

poodleIf you have children in your family, it is best to research the types of dog breeds that are best suited for families with children.  Some dog breeds are better suited for children than others. Here is a list of ten breeds that are very good with children.

  1. Newfoundland – This dog is known as the “gentle giant.”  They are very laid back, are great with children and have a natural ability for swimming.
  2. Staffordshire Bull Terrier – This breed is a true family dog. The are not aggressive at all and are incredibly affectionate.
  3. Pug –  This is the only smaller breed on our list. They prefer people to other dogs and are friendly and trust worthy around children.
  4. Labrador Retreiver – These are one of the most popular breeds in the world but they do need to be trained. An untrained Lab is know to be hyperactive and boisterous.
  5. Keeshond – These stocky dogs love being around children and love being involved in the games that they play.  They learn tricks very easily and will even learn to learn things that they shouldn’t. So be careful. They are great dogs for children.
  6. Golden Retriever – They are overly friendly and will retrieve anything that you toss for them.They can be boisterous as puppies and need to be supervised around small children because they may knock them over by accident.
  7. Collie – A very active and gentle dog perfect for families with children. They need to be brushed regularly and not recommended for people with respiratory problems.
  8. Standard Poodle – They are extremely intelligent, patient and affectionate dogs who do very well in a family setting.
  9. Bernise Mountain Dog – A large, very gentle dog ranging from 80 to 120 pounds.
  10. Bulldogs – These dogs are very gentle around children, however they are prone to illnesses such as skin diseases, cherry eye and hip dysplasia.

Do your research to determine the best dog breed for your family and don’t forget about dog leashes, dog crates and all if the necessary dog accessories.

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