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You just adopted a dog. What are the best dog leashes?

Sunday, August 9, 2009
posted by Jim Murphy

people-walking-dogsThere are a wide variety of dog leashes to choose from. There are retractable ones that give your dog more space to roam, some are designed to walk two dogs at once and some are short to keep your dog close to you at all times.  Leads are very small dog leashes that are about 14 inches long. They keep your dog very close to you if you are walking him in a very crowded, public place. The best type of leash depends on the kind of dog that you own, it’s size and personality and the area where you will be walking him. If you live in a city where there are lots of people around all the time, you should keep the leash short so your dogs does not disturb pedestrians and does not wonder onto a busy street.  The strongest dog leashes are chain leashes. They hold up best if your dog is a chewer.  There are different types of chain leashes. Links are thicker and stronger on some leashes which is good of you have a very large, strong dog. There are also nylon leashes which are very strong but won’t hold up if your dog has a tendancy to bite the leash while walking. A retractable leash is great while walking your dog is an open area. The leash housed in a small, plastic casing that is designed for easy manipulation. A button releases the leash allowing it to uncoil about 12 to 15 feet. If you are walking two dogs at once, two separate leashes can be awkward and they tend to tangle easily.  The solution, get a leash that is made to walk two dogs at once.  A single leash leads to a ringer where two separate leashes are attached to a “Y.” This keeps your dog friends from criss crossing or running ahead of each other.

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