Your Pets Count

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May 2024

Keeping Your Dog Safe on The Family Boat

Sunday, May 28, 2023
posted by Jim Murphy

Jack Russel Terrier is sitting on the yacht wearing a life vest

If you own a boat and usually take your best friend along with you, here are some things that things that you should do to keep him safe.

  1. The first thing that you should do is develop a plan in case your dog goes over board.Of course if this happens,  cut the engine immediately.
  2. It’s important that you have a dog life  jacket and put it on your dog before you get on the water. You should get your dog used to wearing his life jacket before taking him on the water.
  3. Make sure that you have a first aid kit on the boat. Take along antibiotic ointment for minor scrapes, and of course make sure you have a good supply of any pet medications your dog may be on.
  4. If you just purchased your boat, let your dog get used to it before taking him on the water.
  5. Keep  your dogs first boat outing short to get him used to the movement on the water. Take along some dog treats and make sure he has fresh water in his dog water bowl at all times.

A little planning goes a long way! Enjoy boating this summer with your best friend!

Remember, pets are family!

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