Your Pets Count

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May 2024

Keeping Pets Safe This Memorial Day Weekend

Thursday, May 25, 2023
posted by Jim Murphy

Jack Russell Terrier dog dreams about a bit of tasty meat

Memorial Day in the unofficial start of the Summer season. There will be lots of picnics, cookouts and family gatherings. During this time it’s important that we keep our pets safe.

Here are some tips to keep them safe this holiday weekend.

  1. If they’re outside with you, always have plenty of water available. Dogs have no other way to cool themselves off besides painting,make sure that they are kept in the shade because they cannot pant as effectively as other breeds.
  2. Don’t give them any leftover food and watch out for bones that may fall on the ground. Gristle, fats, and bones that can be found in barbecue should never be given to your dog. Onions, avocado, grapes, alcohol and salt can all be harmful to your pet. Even though your may feel that your pet is not partaking in the goodies, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
  3. Make sure that he has the proper ID on your dog. You never know. A guest may leave the gate open or he may get frightened and sneak away.
  4. We hate bugs at our outdoor get together. Citronella candles can be deadly to pets. Any citronella-based repellants are irritating to dogs. Use citronella-free or non-toxic candles if you plan on using a repellant, or keep you pet in a contained area away from them.

Take a little precaution and have a wonderful holiday!

Remember, pets are family! Keep the oldies playing all weekend long with Edgewater Gold Radio, ask Alexa to “play Edgewater Gold Radio” or listen from our website, Edgewater Gold

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