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May 2024

The Unconditional Love of a Pet

Sunday, December 18, 2022
posted by Jim Murphy

Mojo was the sweetest dog ever!

Several years ago my brother and sister-in law lost their beloved dog Yankee. Yankee had been with them for almost 15 years but succumbed to multiple health problems.  My brother also volunteers at a local animal shelter and several months after he lost Yankee, he decided to adopt an older dog.

Adopting an older dog can be very rewarding because you’re giving a new life to a poor animal that is coming toward the end of their days.  My brother decided to adopt a sweet older dog named Mojo. On Christmas Eve, Mojo began having seizures and trouble breathing.  During the course of a short period of time, Mojo had about five seizures. My brother took him to the Animal Hospital where he was told that Mojo was bleeding internally. The only option was exploratory surgery and they couldn’t guarantee that Mojo would survive it. My brother did the right thing and decided to have Mojo euthanized. It was obvious that he was really suffering .The doctors at the hospital confirmed his decision. My brother and sister in law are broken hearted over the loss of their beloved pet. Even though they had Mojo for only two years, the unconditional love and affection he provided was as strong as having a pet for 15 plus years.

I met Mojo on Thanksgiving and he was one of the sweetest dogs ever. He was comfortable, content and obviously enjoying his home. It’s wonderful to provide an older animal with a good home but always remember, that love transcends time. Just because the pet won’t be with you as long as a younger one would, you’ll still love them just as you would a younger pet. We will all miss Mojo but are glad the end of his life was great !

Remember Pets are Family!

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