Your Pets Count

pet information that caters to your special friend



May 2024

Health Benefits of Pet Adoption

Wednesday, October 12, 2022
posted by Jim Murphy

familyadoptErica Freeman, a professor at the University of Maryland School of nursing says that studies have shown that animals are good for our health. This is true whether we own our own pet or just spending some time with one. According to Dr. Freeman, pet owners have better health in general, fewer doctor visits, higher self esteem and tend to be more independent that non pet owners. She says that dogs can also motive people to exercise. I know that if I had a dog, I would be taking him on long walks and have him running around chasing his dog toys. This is great exercise for the two of us! People who won’t take a walk by themselves would be more motivated if they knew that they had to get up to walk their dog. People who walk with a dog walk longer and faster then people who walk alone.

My cat provides me with companionship. Her soothing purrs while asleep calm me down. Cats can actually lower blood pressure.

You don’t have a pet yet? I would think about adopting one! They offer more than just good health. They offer unconditional love that is very difficult to find these days. So head on out to get a pet carrier for your new pet!

Remember, pets are family.
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