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May 2024

Moving? Consider how Stressful It Can Be On Your Cat

Monday, February 28, 2022
posted by Jim Murphy

The moving process in general can be very stressful.  All of the packing, labeling, and dismantling all that you own can be a very tedious process. The pieces of your life get boxed up and relocated. It can also be stressful on your cat. After all his life is in an upheaval as well. Here are some things that you can do to make the move easier on your furry friend.

1. Get your cat used to riding in the car. Take him out for a few short rides just to make sure that the car ride doesn’t cause more stress than necessary.

2.If possible, introduce your cat to his new home before the big moving day.

3. Set up his litter, food and water bowls in the new home before the move.

4. On moving day, try to get a neighbor or friend to take your cat for a few hours while the movers are doing their thing.  Movers usually do their job very quickly. This can frighten your cat and cause him to bolt out of an open door.

5. Give your cat time to get used of his new home. Let him explore and sniff his way through the house. Before you know it, he will never even remember his old surroundings.

Remember, pets are family!

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