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May 2024

Dog Safety at the Beach

Tuesday, May 25, 2021
posted by Jim Murphy
Summer is almost here and lots of people take their dogs to the beach. Our canine friends love to run and folic in the sand. Letting you dog run free is a great form of exercise but it comes with some cautions.
A few weeks ago while doing my walk down the boardwalk I came across a dog wandering by himself. He looked like he was lost and at first I didn’t see anyone around looking for him. I walked down to the beach a saw two girls calling his name and frantically tried to find him. I called over to them and said that he was here on the boardwalk. They ran over , called him and the dog was safely reunited with his family.
This is a scary situation. You must keep a close eye on your dog while he’s running free on the beach. As humans, they can become disoriented and get lost easily. Luckily this story has a happy ending.
Here are some additional tips on how to keep your dog safe at the beach.

1. Not all dogs can swim.

That’s right, the doggy paddle does not come naturally to every dog. In fact, certain breeds like Corgis and Pugs don’t swim at all! Find out if your pup can swim in quiet water by encouraging him to follow you. If he seems interested but doesn’t have the skills, learn how you can teach him to swim safely.

2. Invest in a life vest.

Waves, current, and rip tides can quickly exhaust your dog, and that can be deadly. If your dog likes to swim in the ocean, the best time of day is after low tide when the water is coming back in. Tide charts can easily be found online.

Also consider getting your dog a life vest. When choosing which life vest will work best, look for one that fastens at three points and has a handle on the back, making it easy for you to lift your dog out of the water.

3. Drinking salt water is a bad idea.

This is logical, and yet many dogs try to lap up the ocean. Be sure to bring plenty of fresh water and a bowl for your dog, so he’s not tempted to find his own water source.

Thanks to for providing some of this information.

Remember, your pets count!

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