Your Pets Count

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May 2024

Taking Care of Your Pets During a Covid 19 Emergency

Tuesday, July 7, 2020
posted by Jim Murphy

We always make plans for our pets when we go on vacation or in the event of a weather emergency. We now have to add another situation that requires a plan for our pets. In the event that Covid 19 strikes your household how would your pets be cared for? This is especially important if you live alone and have underlying conditions. In the event that you have to go to the hospital a plan for your pets should be in place. I know this is  an uncomfortable topic but it’s part of our new normal. has put together some guidelines that you should follow. The bottom line is have some plan outlined that will ensure that your pets are cared for if you are unable to care for them.

Here’s the report from

Even before any emergency arises, make a list of trusted staff/friends/relatives/neighbors who have pre-agreed to temporarily fill in the role of foster parent for you. It would be good to have a written agreement stipulating both the responsibilities and restrictions of caring for your pet,” says veterinarian Dr. Maripi Diaz.

Carpio agrees and says this is even more important if you are living alone with your pet, especially if you have a pre-existing condition like diabetes or epilepsy, for example. “Prepare a contingency pet-care plan. It is advisable to make arrangements with the people you’re close with in case something happens to you on what to do with your pets. Assign a point person – a capable and certified animal lover – to take care of your pet.

Diaz also recommends establishing a connection with a trusted veterinarian and/or vet clinic, ideally a full-service one. “Have a record of their contact details, clinic schedule, COVID-19-related guidelines and protocol for easy reference of the foster parent in your absence. And you can indicate the name of your chosen emergency foster parent in the records of the vet clinic as well.”

Remember, your pets count!

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