Your Pets Count

pet information that caters to your special friend



May 2024

Safety Guidelines for Dog Walking and Dog Parks as States Begin Re-opening

Saturday, June 13, 2020
posted by Jim Murphy

There are two things that are mandatory when in public. When I say mandatory I mean you must do this to protect yourself and others. Wearing masks and social distancing has been proven time and time again to work. Yet here in the U.S people throw their hands up in the air and say “it’s my right not to wear a mask or social distance.” You know something “your right, my ass” that what I say because this attitude infuriates me. We are beginning to see states infection rates and hospitalizations skyrocket. Why? because of re-opening too soon and reckless behavior. This isn’t looking good and could mean a disaster is looming ahead! It’s not only selfish but shows how defiant we as Americans can be. I needed to say this because unfortunately way too many people are following the politically motivated movement in the White House. If you continue to do this, I guarantee you that the inconvenience that we’re experiencing now will be nothing like what’s too come. It’s up to you…….not the politicians!!! Follow doctors and scientists not idiots!

Now lets get to the point of this article.  As dog parks begin to open, there is a certain protocol that you must follow. has put together guidelines to keep you and your dog safe during his exercise and walks.

Here’s what to know if you’re planning to spend some time outside with your furry friend:

Wearing a mask and Social distancing is a must

All dog walkers and their dogs are expected to social distance, providing enough space for others and their dogs to pass when necessary.

“Social distancing for dogs means that dogs not part of the same household should be kept at least six feet apart and avoid interacting with other dogs and other people from separate households,” the state’s guidance reads.

At dog parks, visitors should plan to distance at least six feet, or more, from others and should maintain enough control over their pets via leash or voice control to comply with social distancing guidelines and site-specific rules and regulations.

Bring your own bags and water 

Dogs are not allowed to drink out of shared water dishes when playing at the park, under the state’s safety guidelines. Instead, owners should expect to supply their own water and waste bags when out and about.

If feasible, the guidelines say property managers are encouraged to “provide no touch, lidless trashcans,” but visitors are asked to take dog waste with them if there are no trash bins in the area.

People are also asked not to share toys, treats, or other materials with dogs that are not within the same household.

Remember, your pets count!

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