Your Pets Count

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May 2024

Kitty Kidney Disease – a Continuing Struggle

Friday, June 5, 2020
posted by Jim Murphy

We’ve been discussing feline kidney disease in detail for the past several weeks and I described our journey with two of our beloved pets. Molly, who struggled with the disease for over five years and now Atlantis who is still with us and doing well. Dealing with this disease is an ongoing struggle and ongoing worry for me. There are days when Atlantis does great and luckily this is the case most of the time but some days are not as good. We adopted Atlantis in July of 2019 from a neighbor who has since sadly passed. We really didn’t have any knowledge of his medical history or how he was cared for. I do know that six months before we adopted him, he was not cared for at all.

The first thing that we noticed is that he had digestive issues that include vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite. A thorough exam by the vet did not reveal any digestive related diseases but did reveal hyperthyroidism and kidney disease. Our vet thinks that his digestive issues are caused by these two diseases. I’m still not so sure.

Yesterday was not a great day for Atlantis. He vomited twice and refused any food until late in the day. My stress level once again began to rise. Thankfully, he began to return to normal in the evening.

Today, he seems  to be fine but we can’t let our guards down. Kidney disease does not just go away and as a cat ages other issues may be at play. Thankfully his medication, Methimazole and the products made by Astro’s Oil have really been helping.

I know that Atlantis’s health will always be an issue and we will always be on the look out for any changes to his over all well being. So I ask my readers to do the same with their furry friends. Report any changes to your pets health to your vet.

Remember, your pets count!


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