Your Pets Count

pet information that caters to your special friend



May 2024

Before Adopting a Dog, Ask Yourself these Questions

Saturday, May 30, 2020
posted by Jim Murphy

We all love those cute little faces staring at us for those cages at the animal shelter. Sometimes we want to take the all home but adopting a pet is a very big responsibility. You must pause and think it through so your pet lives in a safe, healthy, loving environment. Before you make that important decision, make sure you ask yourself the following questions

  1. What’s the best breed for our lifestyle?
  2. Will we have the time to give the dog the proper training?
  3. Will there always be someone around to walk and feed the dog?
  4. Are the children old enough to be given the responsibility of caring for a dog?
  5. We will have the time to care for the dog? Are we away too much?
  6. Who will care for the dog if we are away?
  7. Can we afford the extra expense?
  8. Is our yard large enough and secure enough for the dog to play outside?
  9. Are we home enough? Dogs get lonely and like to have people around
  10. Are we getting the dog for the right reasons? (Not just because our child wants one.)

Seriously, ask yourself these questions before you decide to adopt a dog. If the answer is “no” to one or more of these questions, you should reconsider your decision.

Remember, your pets count!

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