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May 2024

Caring For a Sick Pet Takes Its Toll

Thursday, November 2, 2017
posted by Jim Murphy

Every morning I get up and check on Molly who is over 18, has Kidney and thyroid disease. How will this day go? I ask myself. It is really heartbreaking to know that your beloved pet is in the last days or months of it’s life. My goal is to make sure she’s comfortable, is hydrated, eats and takes her medication everyday. This may not sound like such a big deal but actually, it is. In order to stay alive, Molly but drink enough everyday, in order for her electrolytes and  to stay in balance and the phosphorus eliminated from her kidneys, she needs to take her medication. She also needs to take the pill that controls her thyroid. Cats are stubborn and unpredictable. One day, Molly will eat, drink and take her meds very easily and the next day (like today) she turns her nose up to her food, won’t take her medication and seems to have difficulty controlling her bladder.

I want to keep Molly around as look as possible, and it is clear that it’s not her time yet but I am a “worrier” and sometimes the stress can be overwhelming!  Pets are so much as part of our lives that we want to do anything we can to prolong their lives. I try to take it a day at a time and appreciate everyday that I have with Molly even if some days are not so good.

If you’re going through the same thing, my advice is to keep a close eye on your pet, monitor any changes, do what the vet says and try to stay calm! I wish I could follow my own advice!

Remember, your pets count!

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