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May 2024

Pedialyte For Cat Dehydration

Sunday, October 15, 2017
posted by Jim Murphy

As we know cat dehydration can be very serious. I’m always concerned about my 18 year old cat Molly because of her kidney disease and thyroid condition. If a cat is dehydrated, he can deteriorate very fast. If he has kidney disease, deterioration occurs even faster. Thankfully, Molly is still drinking lots of water. but if your cat is not, there are some immediate steps you can take but make sure he sees a vet right away.

When your cat is dehydrated, he lacks several necessary elements, including electrolytes, sodium and potassium in addition to water. Water does restore some minerals but it’s doesn’t restore them as fast as Pedialyte.  Pedialyte contains extra electrolytes.

When giving Pedialyte,give your cat a few drops of  every 10 minutes for an hour with an eye dropper to ensure that he is receiving the nutrients.  After about an hour, try to entice your cat to eat some wet food diluted with some water.Be sure to use unflavored Pedialyte since most flavors aren’t enticing to cats. You can also add a little tuna or clam juice for enticement if you are hoping your cat will drink on his own. If your cat refuses the dropper, offer Pedialyte in ice cube form. Even when refusing food and water, cats will sometimes lick ice cubes, which can help restore the nutrient levels if given frequently.

A special thanks to Vetinfo for providing some of this valuable information!

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