Your Pets Count

pet information that caters to your special friend



May 2024

The Big Cover Up!

Friday, July 7, 2017
posted by Jim Murphy

dogodorWe all love our animals, but let’s face it; sometimes they don’t leave the best impression when we’re trying to impress our friends and family. After all, when you’re throwing a party, there’s nothing worse than having to explain that the couch smells that musty because your miniature schnauzer gets to sleep on the furniture. If you find that your animals are leaving their unmistakable and distinctive smell all over your home, know that you don’t simply have to take it as part of being a pet owner.

You quickly reach for that air freshener and wildly spray the entire house! These products just cover up the odor which quickly returns with a vengeance.  There are multiple options for pet odor removal that can get rid of or cut down on the smell of pets but just be certain about what you’re buying. Some products will only cover the smell of pet odor. By filling the air with a strong floral scent, you’ll essentially mask the embarrassing odor, but it won’t actually be gone. Make sure that whatever product you choose actually works to eliminate these odors.

Remember, your pets count!

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