Your Pets Count

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May 2024

Lewes, Delaware Dog Park Opens And Welcomes All Dogs and Their Owners

Wednesday, September 7, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

20160906_161856Yesterday, I had the pleasure of accompanying my neighbor and her dog, Dewey to the new dog park in Lewes, Delaware. Over five acres have been reserved for our furry friends. Dogs, of all kinds can run, play and chase each other and get all the exercise that they need. You can bring your dogs favorite dog toy and toss it till your hearts content!  Both you and your dog will benefit from this wonderful place. There’s even a separate section for small or shy dogs. A large area is also being designated for future dog events.

There should be more dog parks in cities and towns across this country. Your dog will not only get the exercise that he needs but he will also have the opportunity to socialize with other dogs and who knows, you may even meet the person of your dreams at the park!

Socialization is essential for all dogs. Since we all live busy lives, our best friends usually are left alone for long periods throughout the day. The dog park is a life saver! Dogs and their owners love the park! There is an annual fee of $60 to join.. Members are given a code and can access the park anytime during designated hours.

Dewey was pooped at the end of our visit. Make sure you have a comfy dog bed ready for your best friend after his visit to the park and don’t forget those treats!

Remember, your pets count!

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