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May 2024

Diagnosing Joint Conditions in Pets

Tuesday, September 6, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

doglegDoes your pet have a bad shoulder, knee or elbow? You toss him his favorite dog toy in the park and you notice him limping towards you. If this is the case your vet may refer you to an Arthroscopic Surgeon. Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive way to diagnose and treat a variety of joint conditions. It involves making very tiny incisions into your pets joint. One incision allows a surgeon to insert surgical instruments and another will allow an arthroscope to be inserted. This is a tiny telescope with a light. Dr. John Payne of the Pittsburgh Veterinary and Emergency Center says that the arthroscope allows the surgeon to view the joint and see everything that’s going on. He also says that the incisions are so small that infections after surgery are very rare. After surgery,you should see an improvement in your pets condition. Your vet will prescribe any pet medication that may be necessary.Before you know it, your pet will be chasing those toys in the park once again!

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