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Emergency Plan For Our Pets

Saturday, August 20, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

petsrescuedWe go through our day to day life caring for and loving our pets but do you have an emergency play in the event of a disaster? If not here are some guidelines to follow. has outlined a great checklist to ensure that all of the necessary measures are taken.

ID your pet. Make sure your pet’s tags are up-to-date and securely fastened to your pet’s collar. If possible, attach the address and/or phone number of your evacuation site. If your pet gets lost, his tag is his ticket home. Also consider microchipping your pets.
Make sure you have a current photo of your pet for identification purposes.
Make a pet emergency kit. Download Preparing Makes Sense for Pet Owners for a full list of items to include in your pets kit.
Check out this quick list:

Identify shelters. For public health reasons, many emergency shelters cannot accept pets. Find out which motels and hotels in the area you plan to evacuate to allow pets well in advance of needing them. There are also a number of guides that list hotels/motels that permit pets and could serve as a starting point. Include your local animal shelter’s number in your list of emergency numbers.
Make sure you have a secure pet carrier, leash or harness for your pet so that if he panics, he can’t escape.

Thanks again to for providing this valuable information.

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