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May 2024

Some Quick Pet Adoption Tips

Tuesday, July 19, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

petadoptRecuing a pet can be one of the most rewarding things that you ever do. Your new pet will change the dynamics in your home in mostly very good ways but some things may be a challenge. Are you ready to accept that challenge? Take shedding for instance, you will have to be prepared to remove pet hair and make sure that you have the proper tools to do so. If you have a good pet comb or pet brush and use them regularly, you will reduce not eliminate the amount of pet hair on your rugs and furniture. You should also pet proof you house or apartment. Put away cleaners, medications and breakables before taking your new pet home. Even if your new pet is housebroken, there will be some accidents. Be prepared with the proper  pet cleaning products. Give your new pets their space. Cats like to hide when in a new environment so provide some comfy cat beds in quiet corners, closets or rooms.  Make sure your new dogs has a dog crate where he’ll feel safe and sound in his new home. Most pets are lactose intolerant which can result in diarrhea or upset stomach. Limit the amount of milk that you feed your pet.

Enjoy your new pet! Pet adoption is a wonderful, fulfilling deed.

Remember, your pets count!

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